It can be incredibly difficult for mothers ? especially moms with young children ? to relax in this day and age. Between work and family, time for yourself can seem impossible. However, taking a few hours for yoga and meditation is about more than being serene and calm. Detoxifying your body through things like yoga and acupuncture at a holistic center can do wonders for your health. This isn?t just about your needs as a person, though those shouldn?t be neglected. Being a healthier, more relaxed mom means being a better mom. So, what are the options available at health and wellness centers, and how can they help you?
Yoga: The Key To Relaxation
You may think it impossible to find a single serene moment in your today. Yoga ? a 5,000 year old practice according to the American Yoga Association ? is practiced by 15 million Americans as of 2015, and has developed a reputation for not only bettering people physically but mentally and emotionally as well. During yoga, one can forget about the stresses of everyday life. You can focus on you and you alone, and practice things like discipline and meditation. A study also indicated that three weeks of daily yoga resulted in small but significant reductions in blood pressure. Remember: alternative healing is healing, with the advantage of being about the mind and the body, rather than simply one or the other.
Reflexology: Holistic Pain Reduction
Simply being a mother means a lot of daily wear and tear, and many women suffer from chronic pain in their muscles and joints. Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to specific points of the body. Each of these pressure points is connected to organs and other body parts, and reflexology is generally beneficial to your overall health. It also has been shown to reduce pain. In fact, 27 studies have indicated positive outcomes in reduction of pain, and 19% of headache sufferers stopped taking medication after reflexology treatments. Even the simple elimination of headaches is worth trying reflexology ? we all know how common those are for mothers!
Stress Management And Other Problems
It?s no joke to say that stress can be a killer, especially combined with other factors in the average person?s life. As such, it?s crucial that you find some time to relax and let your body recover from the week?s stressors. This can be found in the serene Abhyanga massage, a 5,000 year old healing tradition from India. Issues like insomnia can be cured with meditation, with 75% of insomniacs falling asleep within 20 minutes of going to bed after starting daily meditation programs. Whether it?s through acupuncture or a nourishing soak, it?s important to you and everyone you love that you take care of yourself, and holistic health practices may be the way to do it.