Men tend to be less concerned about their health by comparison with women, and this is one of the reasons why women have a longer life-span than men. Typically, men and women experience similar medical problems, but there are certain conditions that are more common in men. The first most common male health issue is… Continue reading
Tag: Male Health
Healthy food for male fitness? No, it isn’t
Take a moment and consider this logic: Fat-free foods are healthy. Poppins are fat-free. Therefore, poppins are healthy. Make sense? Of course not. But it’s exactly the type of reasoning that food manufacturers want you to use. You see, in our example, we started with a false premise. That’s because the term “fatfree” is often… Continue reading
Some techniques for man’s anger control
Life provides men with an endless supply of things to get angry about. There’s the sullen waitress who refuses to look in your direction while you wave desperately for the check. There’s the oaf who drifts across the road without ever using his blinker. There’s the dropped call, the tepid shower, the gum on the… Continue reading
Study finds that some therapy for eractile disfynction increasing risk of lower testosterone and libido
Statin therapy prescribed to lower cholesterol also appears to lower testosterone, according to a new study that evaluated nearly 3,500 men who had erectile dysfunction or ED. ”Current statin therapy is associated with a twofold increased prevalence of hypogonadism,” a condition in which men don’t produce enough testosterone, study author Giovanni Corona, MD, PHD, a… Continue reading
Does men have a menopause? Yes, it is andropause
Andropause is a condition that is associated with the decrease in the male hormone testosterone. As men grow older not only do their bodies produce less testosterone but the levels of another hormone called sex binding hormone globulin (SHBG), which pulls usable testosterone from the blood, begins to increase. Testosterone that is not bound to… Continue reading