Most weight loss systems consist of the same basic things: eat nutritious foods, watch your caloric intake, and exercise. That’s more or less it. However, there are some other, weirder things you can do to lose weight, too.
Here are a few odd types you probably won’t find in any top weight loss programs.
Sit at the head of the table. – According to psychologist Stephen Gullo, the author of The Thin Commandments Diet, sitting at the head of a table will help you lose weight. The idea is that if you sit in the middle of the table, you’ll be able to reach dishes easier, making it more likely for you to overeat.
Take a vitamin. – A vitamin is not the sort of thing most people consider as a diet food, but a study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that a group of obese women who took a multivitamin were more likely to lose weight than groups of obese women who took a calcium supplement, or a placebo. One of the suggested causes for this finding was that those who overeat may do so because their bodies are trying to compensate for nutrition that they’re losing out on.
Get some new dishes. – Believe it or not, the dishes you eat off of can have an effect on your diet, too. A study published last year found that eating off of red plates can help you eat less. What’s more, if you eat off of smaller plates, you can trick yourself into thinking you’ve eaten more, because the portion will look far larger on a small plate than it will on a big plate.
So, what do you have to lose by incorporating these odd tips into your own weight loss system (other than some pounds)? If you have any questions about losing weight, talk to one of your area’s family practice doctors, or feel free to ask in the comments.