Stress is associated with racing and anxious thoughts, poor judgment and performance, memory problems, and moodiness. There are many warning signs which signal that you need time off of work. These include short temper, frequent colds, nervous habits, and emotional eating.
Stress factors at work can cause depression, inability to relax, and neglect for work responsibilities. Occupational stress is associated with inter-company rivalries and competition, pressure from investors, and excessive workload. Working 12 hours a day is stressful and so is work on shifts. If you stay late to finish a project, this is an additional source of stress. Inter-firm rivalries and conflict lead to a drop in efficiency and productivity and are a source of tension. Employees are stressed out and angry and feel isolated. The safety of employees, managers, and customers can be in jeopardy. To reduce stress at work, it is important to plan regular breaks and develop a balanced schedule. Avoid over-committing yourself. Don’t take too many responsibilities and don’t try to fit too many tasks into one week, God forbid, into one day. According to experts, employees have to learn to distinguish between “musts” and “shoulds”. Planning breaks is also important. You should have several short breaks to relax and clear your mind. Get away from your chair, work station, or desk for lunch or coffee. This will help you to recharge your batteries and will make you more efficient and productive.
There are stress factors at home as well. These include financial problems and too many responsibilities. Two-worker families face more stress because they are at a higher risk of overload at home and at work. Many women wish that they had the chance to stay at home and look after their children, but they cannot afford it. Besides, a troubled economy often means a troubled home. To avoid excessive stress, it is important to prioritize tasks, share responsibilities with your partner, and get enough sleep. Stress can threaten your relationship or marriage; so, you should try to balance your work and family responsibilities. And have your “me” time.