Vaping has been a growing trend for awhile. From hipsters looking for the coolest new thing to ex-smokers looking for a way to kick their habit, vaping is here to stay. In fact, the vaping industry is expected to reach an impressive $3.5 billion in 2015. One of the most important things to know about vaping is what juice is and the differences between the two main types. Here’s a short guide for understanding them.
1. What’s in vape e juice, anyway?
The way vaping works is that there is no smoke and nothing burns. A liquid vaporizer heats the e liquid juice which creates the vapor that is inhaled by the user. Vape juice is typically comprised of a few things: water, flavoring, and either propylene glycol (PG) or vegetable glycerin (VG). Though they essentially work the same way, PG and VG offer pretty different vaping experiences.
2. PG E Juice
Propylene glycol is a thinner liquid than vegetable glycerin is, which means that it’s less likely to gum up the components of a vaporizer. This type of liquid is completely flavorless, so it won’t have an effect on the taste of the vapor — no matter what flavoring is used. Propylene glycol is actually the more popular of the two, probably because it offers more of a throat hit, which is the sensation that many cigarette smokers look for.
3. VG E Juice
Compared to propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin is a much thicker substance which means that it could accumulate on the inner parts of a vaporizer, especially the heating element. Additionally, vegetable glycerin has a much sweeter flavor, which can affect the way that flavors taste when vaporized. Though VG does not offer as much of a throat hit, it does produce thicker and ibgger clouds of vapor.
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