You are drowning.
Talk therapy was an old man who looked like your father spouting platitudes at you. Zoloft made you feel like a zombie. You thought you would cut yourself every time you kept your thought diary, it was so sad to read. There are days when getting out of bed is more than you can bare, and lately, there have been too many of those days in a row. Desperate for a solution to your depression, maybe you joined the more than 100 million individuals who tried to use alcohol or another controlled substance to self-medicate, and that became a habit. (And heck, some of the illegal substances were even cheaper than alcohol, and seemed to help you feel better in the short term…until you woke up one too many times with a bloody nose in an unfamiliar place).
If you’re reading this, it’s the end of the line. You need to get a handle on your depression, and to do that, you have to start thinking outside the box.
Although it is not yet legal in the U.S., doctors in nearby Mexico have begun experimenting with ibogaine for depression. Well actually, “begun” is a misnomer; ibogaine is an organic psychoactive compound found in plants and may have been used as early as ancient Greek times in Delphi, to help the oracle reach a state of concious dreaming. Today, ibogaine therapy is a branch of psychadelic therapy, which holds that the mind expansion properties of certain opiate drugs are useful in the same way that hypnosis can be useful. When using ibogaine for depression, a doctor will induce a concious dream state with the drug in a controlled environment. In some cases, with proper preparation beforehand and adequate “unpacking” of the experience afterward, the concsious dream state induced by ibogaine helps a patient let their guard down and work through the root causes of their distress.
Probably the most convenient place for an American to explore ibogaine for depression is Cancun. There is an ibogaine clinic ironically smack dab in the middle of the Spring Break party scene that could assist you with depression treatment, ibogaine detox, or ibogaine addiction treatment. The down side is that the full treatment is pricey, in the $40,000 range.
But wouldn’t you do anything at this point? Isn’t any amount of money worth escaping the undertow?