Is there anything or anyone you love more than your children? And when they?re sick or hurt, you just want to get them the best possible help. That?s where a community health clinic for children comes in. Always there for your child when they need them, for an appointment or an emergency, it?s the difference between taking your child to see a friend rather than a stranger.
Almost 60% of all urgent care facilities have a wait time to see a doctor or mid-level provider, and 35% do not even have a doctor present at all times. When your child is sick you want to know that you?re going to a health clinic for children that has pediatricians on hand to help your little one.
The mean wait time in U.S. emergency departments (EDs) increased 25%, from more than 45 minutes to almost an hour, from 2003 to 2009. Even worse, in 2009, nearly 80% of visits occurred in EDs that reported putting admitted patients in the hall and in other available spaces while waiting for an actual inpatient bed to free up. You don?t want your child waiting to be seen by a doctor or, God forbid, left in a hall. Take them to a health clinic for children where their needs will be seen to in a far more timely manner.
And EDs are expensive. According to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, average costs for people who had one or more trips to the Emergency Room in 2009 were $1,318, the typical cost was $615. Setting up an appointment to see your child?s doctor at a health clinic for children is far more reasonable.
Sure you could rush to the closest free walk in clinic and hope for the best, but when do you ever want to take a chance with you children?s health? Never. Whether you?ve relocated or just feel it?s time to find a new doctor for your kids, make an appointment at a neighborhood health clinic for children today and find the doctor that?s right for your family. You?ll rest easier knowing they?re in good hands.