Minerals are important nutrients that are required for normal function of the different body systems and organs, as well as for maintenance of good health. The lack of minerals may cause medical problems. In addition, some minerals can be helpful for the treatment and soothing of some diseases and health issues. Thus, high levels of… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Keep Your Health and Lose Weight with Exercises while Watching TV
Many experts believe that watching TV for too long affects our health. Most people spend quite a long time sitting in front of the TV. This may lead to obesity, as they are physically inactive and in most of the cases they eat something while watching. Then, after they realize they have gained in weight,… Continue reading
Natural Supplement for Low Cholesterol and Good Health
High cholesterol is one of the most common health problems today. Numerous people suffer from increased levels of cholesterol and this is associated with high risk for heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Exercises are a great way to lower cholesterol levels and to promote good health, but some people don’t have time and just… Continue reading
Simple Ways to Stay in Good Health
We all experience health problems from time to time and get sick. However, if you follow some simple things you can maintain your good health easier and can reduce the occurrence of illness and medical problems. Here is what you should do in order to achieve this. Wash your hands As simple as is sounds,… Continue reading
Improve Your Health with Running, Cycling and Swimming
Running, cycling and swimming are the most common types of exercises that are often preferred by people because they target various aspects of our health. But are you familiar with the benefits of each of these three exercises and do you know which one to use in order to achieve your goal? If you want… Continue reading
Food Additives that Affect Health
The food industry continues to create new chemicals that are used to manipulate and preserve the food they process but they often affect our health. These chemicals add colours, mimic flavours, makes foods look fresh and preserve them longer. They are used in all foods we consume every day, including breads, meat, dairy products, crackers,… Continue reading
Keep Your Health with Exercises
We all have heard that regular exercising is good for our health. But do we actually know what are the health benefits of exercises and how physical activity helps us they healthy and your? First of all, exercises help you control your weight. Balanced weight is of great importance for good health. Regular exercises… Continue reading
Eat Cherries to Maintain Good Health
Typically, we associate cherries with spring and the upcoming summer, but a few of us are aware of the heal benefits of this fruit. Cherries are among the healthiest fruits as they have numerous health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants, contain low fat amounts and calories and have high water content. Cherries can reduce… Continue reading