Although you may not feel like running a marathon, most women benefit greatly from exercising throughout their pregnancies. But during that time, you’ll need to discuss your exercise plans with your doctor or other health care provider early on and make a few adjustments to your normal exercise routine. The level of exercise recommended will… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Important nutrient that you don’t take through winter
Vitamin D is the nutrient of the day, year, and even decade. Vitamin D plays a role in maintaining healthy bones, but the sunshine vitamin also helps prevent certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic pain, and neurological disorders. In these dark, cold winter months, especially if you live in the northern half of the U.S.,… Continue reading
Some myths about insulin and diabetes 2 types
When you hear the word “insulin,” do you picture giant needles (ouch!) or pop culture portrayals of insulin users with low blood sugar (like Julia Roberts losing it in Steel Magnolias)? Either way, most people think of insulin as a difficult, painful, or potentially scary medical treatment. The problem is that if you have type… Continue reading
When you are falling in love, your brain is hit like cocaine does
Falling in love affects intellectual areas of the brain and triggers the same sensation of euphoria experienced by people when they take cocaine, researchers from Syracuse University reveal in an article in Journal of Sexual Medicine. The study, called “The Neuroimaging of Love” found that several euphoria-inducing chemicals, such as vasopression, adrenaline, oxytocin and dopamine… Continue reading
When the teens tell the truth about drugs
Teen drug use is on the rise, especially in high-risk urban areas. According to a new study, however, teens often do not voluntarily disclose illicit drug use, even when they know they will undergo a drug test. The study, “Just Say ‘I Don’t’: Lack of Concordance Between Teen Self-Report and Biological Measures of Illicit Drug… Continue reading
Essential oils glossary
A Angelica: Strengthens, restores, and anchors. Avoid use in full sun. Aniseed: Reduces cramping and indigestion. Do not use if pregnant. Armoise: Emollient and muscle relaxant. Do not use if pregnant B Basil: Soothes and tones. Use sparingly. Bay: Stimulates and energizes. Can irritate skin. Bergamot: Conditions skin, soothes. Antiseptic. Photo toxic. Birch Tar: Muscle… Continue reading
Glow skin with help of sea salt
Beautiful skin all over our body looks and feels great. To get a smooth skin is easy. The secret is exfoliation and moisturizing, just as we do in face. Try this simple, but effective treatment once o twice a week. You will feel and see the difference on your skin. Ingredients 1/2 cup of salt,… Continue reading
Wrinkles can be fight with laser therapy
Laser pulses enable skin rejuvenation, as research at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has shown. Laser treatment introduces heat into the skin. Under the influence of heat shocks of 45°C, skin cells produce more collagen. This is the protein that gives the skin its firmness and elasticity. Susanne Dams describes this process in the dissertation… Continue reading