Fibromyalgia is notoriously difficult to treat. Medication tends to reduce muscle pain, fatigue, and other symptoms of the chronic condition by just 30% to 50%. As a result, many patients turn to diet and lifestyle changes for added relief. Learning which foods to avoid is a good place to start, since fibro patients often have… Continue reading
Author: News Health
New scientist research: thinking about thinking
Scientists from the UK’s University College London (UCL) have discovered that people who are good at introspection, such as reflecting on their ideas, emotions and behaviour, the so-called “thinking about thinking” processes that set us apart from other animals, have a bigger associated area of the brain. You can read how Dr Geraint Rees, a… Continue reading
How to dress 10 pounds and get thinner for dinner
Sure, many celebs start off with better bodies than the rest of us mere mortals. (They have personal chefs and trainers on demand, after all!) But even the fittest stars still deal with figure challenges, so they turn to stylists who are geniuses at putting together outfits that hide flaws and play up a star’s… Continue reading
Chocolate /Cocoa/ genome
Scientists have unveiled their preliminary findings on the cacao (chocolate) genome sequence, which has been made available in the public domain. This research is the result of a joint endeavor supported by Mars Inc., The USDA-ARS (U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service) and IBM. According to Mars, it is aimed at improving the cocoa-growing process… Continue reading
Is your diet healthy for you
Gwyneth Paltrow’s announcement that she has the beginning stages of osteopenia (low bone mineral density) has led to speculation that her low vitamin D levels may be a consequence of her macrobiotic diet. Now, a lot of people are thinking twice about their own diet schemes. We’ve written before about how liquid cleanse diets can… Continue reading
15-minutes meals for busy people
Sicilian Spaghetti Ingredients * 1 pound spaghetti * 4 tablespoons olive oil * 3 cloves garlic, crushed * 1 (2 ounce) can anchovy fillets, chopped * 1 cup fine bread crumbs * 1 cup chopped fresh parsley * ground black pepper to taste * 4 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese Directions 1. Bring a large… Continue reading
Risks for persistent Neurodermatitis
A child who can’t stop scratching himself may well be suffering from atopic dermatitis, also known as neurodermatitis. Extreme irritability of the skin with a concomitant urge to scratch is typical of the disorder. The condition often appears during the first year of life and is on the increase in industrialized countries. The patient’s skin… Continue reading
Body and soul: Shaitsu massage
What is shiatsu? Shiatsu is a Japanese form of bodywork. The word shiatsu means “finger pressure”, and shiatsu is sometimes described as a finger pressure massage. How does shiatsu work? Like acupuncture, shiatsu is based on the holistic system of traditional Chinese medicine, where illness is thought to result from imbalances in the natural flow… Continue reading