Pureed carrots, meats, and mashed bananas are typical foods for babies without teeth, but they are also the latest weight loss trend to hit Hollywood. Created by celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson, The Baby Food Diet is the latest weight loss fad promising to curb cravings, allow eating on the run, and lose weight quickly. Strange… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Genes on borrow? Already a fact
It has been a basic principle of evolution for more than a century that plants and animals can adapt genetically in ways that help them better survive and reproduce. Now, in a paper to be published in the journal Science, University of Rochester biologist John Jaenike and colleagues document a clear example of a new… Continue reading
Knowing worst enimies we can have a gorgeous hair
Gorgeous hair is easy if you treat your hair well and keep it in good condition; when you know your hair’s worst enemies having gorgeous hair will be easier than you think. Hair by nature is both elastic and plastic: elastic because it can be stretched and pulled around without breaking; plastic because it can… Continue reading
How to take care of nails and wings of cockateels
Most people don’t realize the dangers of letting their beloved birds fly freely around the house. An unexperienced bird may fly to hard into a wall or hurt himself in a ceiling fan. That is why it is important to clip a birds wings. And if you have ever gotten your shirt snagged by a… Continue reading
New research for immune system and opens new avenues to AIDS
Researchers at Oregon State University and the California Institute of Technology have discovered that a genetic regulator which is critical to many life functions also plays a key role in the formation of “T cells,” a type of white blood cell that’s important in immune function. The discovery, announced in the journal Science, suggests that… Continue reading
The power of Ayurveda for gorgeous long black hair
Since hair is protein (keratin), hence a diet that is too low in protein will lead to thinning of hair or retardation in the growth cycle. If you eat a protein-rich diet, it will often result in improved hair growth. Some nutrition experts propose the consumption of calves liver, fish oil or protein, eggs, yeast,… Continue reading
Side salads
Easy Three-Bean Salad Ingredients: 1 can (16 oz) low-sodium cut green beans, drained 1 can (about 15 oz) low-sodium red kidney beans, drained 1 can (about 16 oz) low-sodium garbanzo beans, drained 1 onion (small), sliced and separated into rings Salad greens Grated peel of 1/2 lemon 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice 2 tablespoons… Continue reading
High court in Spain review constitutionality of new abortion law
Spain’s Constitutional Court on Wednesday agreed to study the constitutionality of a new abortion law allowing the procedure without restrictions up to 14 weeks’ gestation, the AP/Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. The new law, which takes effect July 5, also legalizes abortion for 16- and 17-year-olds with parental notification. The Socialist government approved the law in February.… Continue reading