COULD FOOD BE YOUR PROBLEM? Answer YES or NO to the following questions. 1. Have you, for as long as you can remember, been plagued by minor health problems – headaches, skin rashes, constant colds, viruses, fleeting pains, bloating, sleep problems, stomach upsets? 2. Have you never had a fully healthy skin? 3. Have you… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Usage of high levels of vitamin D prevent diabetes types 2?
People who get plenty of vitamin D can cut their chance of developing Type 2 diabetes by 55 per cent. Researchers from the Warwick Medical School reviewed 28 existing studies on almost 100,000 people looking at vitamin D levels among middle-aged and elderly people. They also found high levels of vitamin D reduced the risk… Continue reading
Some facts about cavities
Only one of the following is true. Do you know which? Eating acidic things like lemons causes cavities. If you have a cavity, you’ll definitely know it. Once you treat a cavity, the tooth decay stops. To separate dental health myth from fact, WebMD talked with Kimberly A. Harms, DDS, an American Dental Association consumer… Continue reading
Five bad habits leading to plaque
Plaque. Since childhood, we’ve been trained to resist that dreaded enemy of teeth. Regular brushing and flossing are sure bets for dental health. What else could you be doing — or avoiding — to keep plaque off your knockout smile? “Keeping plaque off your teeth isn’t complicated, but consistency is key,” says Richard Price, DMD,… Continue reading
No risk for women healing with hormone therapy
Women who take combined hormone therapy for just a few years around the time of menopause appear to have no decrease in heart disease risk, new research suggests. If anything, their risk may go up slightly. The analysis of data from the study that first linked hormone therapy to heart disease found that even in… Continue reading
Screening system for hepatitis C – new help for desease
A newly designed system of identifying molecules for treating hepatitis C should enable scientists to discover novel and effective therapies for the dangerous and difficult-to-cure disease of the liver, says Zhilei Chen, a Texas A&M University assistant professor of chemical engineering who helped develop the screening system. The system, Chen explains, enables researchers to study… Continue reading
Which are the proven herbs for weight loss
Losing weight can dramatically improve your emotional and physical health, but it can be a slow process. So it’s no wonder that 15% of American adults use diet supplements to boost weight loss, opting for a range of products that claim to decrease appetite, block fat absorption, or increase metabolism. Currently, most weight loss experts… Continue reading
The ingredients of Hoodia Goordonii AbsoluteTM
Each capsule of Hoodia Gordonii Absolute™ contains powder from a cactus plant known as Hoodia gorgonii. This cactus grows mainly in the South African Kalahari desert. The amount of this powdered ingredient is the following: Ingredients Name of the brand: Hoodia Gordonii Absolute™ Capsules in a bottle: 60 Hoodia Gordonii: 500 mg Hoodia Gordoni: This… Continue reading