Golden Potato Bake (Serves 4) 4 – 6 medium potatoes, peeled 1/2 cup bran flake cereal 2 tbsp. butter, melted 1/4 tsp. onion powder 1/4 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 tsp. sea salt ————————- Heat oven to 375 degrees. Crush the cereal into crumbs. Mix crumbs, salt, onion and garlic powder. Brush potatoes with the melted… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Natural antibiotic or the power of garlic
Garlic: A valuable seasoning and medicinal herb Perhaps the most indispensable of herbs – so much so that many people consider it to be a vegetable – garlic has a long and distinguished history that gives credence to its reputation as a one of the most valuable and seasoning and medicinal herbs in existence. Garlic… Continue reading
Flax oil and it healthy benefits
Flax oil, with the possible exception of hemp oil, is considered the most nutritious of oils. With generous quantities of Omega-3 fatty acid (over 50% by volume) and Omega-6 fatty acid (around 20%), flax oil has been touted as a healing oil by many different writers and healers. Flax oil also contains unsaturated alpha linolenic,… Continue reading
The power of cleaning drinking water for healing
“The Most Powerful Healing Substance Known To Man”. The human body is primarily composed of water. Water is not only beneficial but also vital to life — only oxygen is more important to human survival. Water plays an enormous role in how well our body functions. Simply put, the more fresh water we drink, the… Continue reading
Which are health benefits of Omega3 And Omega6 Fatty Acids
Benefits of Omega3 And Omega6 Fatty Acids Oils and fats are the most concentrated foods we have. Weight for weight, they contain more than twice as much fuel or energy value as any other food. Taken in moderation they are easily digested, but if taken in excess they become a burden to the system. About… Continue reading
Fructose sugar vs. White sugar
Almost all foods contain natural fructose sugar Of all the questions we answer on a daily basis, the one we hear most often is, “Why do so many of Natural Ovens’ products contain fructose?” Simply put, most of the foods you consume were not designed for your optimal benefit, such as being alert and focused,… Continue reading
Hard yoga poses for weight loss
MAIN MOVE: Rocking Boat (Firms abs and back) Sit with knees bent, feet on floor, hands on thighs. With torso straight and head in line with body, lean back about 45 degrees, raising feet so calves are parallel to floor, toes pointed. On an inhale, extend arms and legs, keeping legs together. Exhale, and as… Continue reading
Tell me what you eat to tell you what’s your condition of oral health
To prevent cavities and maintain good oral health, your diet — what you eat and how often you eat — are important factors. Changes in your mouth start the minute you eat certain foods. Bacteria in the mouth convert sugars from the foods you eat to acids, and it’s the acids that begin to attack… Continue reading