Did you know that about two to three out of every 1,000 children in the U.S. are born with some degree of hearing loss, whether it?s in one or both ears? And the number of Americans with hearing loss has doubled from 2000 to 2015 — this is likely in part due to an overall… Continue reading
Author: News Health
4 Part Time Employee Benefits to Attract and Retain Talent
One of the greatest challenges small business owners often face when hiring part time employees is determining what part time employee benefits to offer. Legislation such as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act sets minimum requirements for health benefits offered by employers whose staff includes 50 or more full time employees; but when it… Continue reading
EMF Safety Store Offerings Protect Both Children and Adults
Everything changes when you have a baby. Second looks, extra glances, constant awareness of what is going on in your surroundings. Being responsible for the life of a new infant can be exhausting. Turning on the house alarm, setting a timer for 15 minutes, and rushing upstairs to take the first shower of the day… Continue reading
Five STD Facts Everyone Should Know
Several health related topics are too awkward for many people in several cultures to discuss, even with their doctor. Sexually transmitted diseases, which are more commonly called STDs, are one of those awkward ailments, but considering the long-term health effects of several, even the possibility of death, this embarrassment cannot be allowed to prevent the… Continue reading
PiYo Combining the Balace and Focus of Yoga With the Precision and Breathing of Pilates
Health is a science and thereby makes advancements over time as our understanding of our bodies develops over time. The United States Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) food pyramid model that many of us grew up with has since been replaced a few years back by the healthy plate model that excludes the fats, sugars,… Continue reading
Stretching and Exercise to Prevent Hip and Other Orthopedic Surgeries
Today, Americans are experiencing more and more pains associated with orthopedics. They are working longer hours, not eating as well, not exercising and not relaxing as much. All of this causes a lot of stress onto the bones of the body and can lead to illness and injury. On a positive note, with the increase… Continue reading
Less Invasive Back Surgery? The Artificial Cervical Disc may be the Key
If you?re suffering from back pain, you?re not alone: when it comes to musculoskeletal impairment (back pain), over 25 percent of Americans are in the same shape. In fact, those in the U.S. who are employed miss almost 440 million days of work due to musculoskeletal injuries. This costs nearly $850 billion a year, and… Continue reading
How to Care for Your Skin
Having good skin is a great aspiration. Some people have it naturally and some don’t. Either way we still need to take care of our skin. Having the best dermatologist is helpful but even if you have the best dermatologist in the world and do nothing on your own to take care of your skin,… Continue reading