Yoga practice may have even more benefits than we realize. While yoga has been credited with all kinds of things, including improved flexibility, weight loss, and even relief from hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause, new research suggests that it may also help more children from all around the world stay in school. According… Continue reading
Author: News Health
What Can You Learn from Taking Group Tennis Lessons? The Answer May Surprise You
Tennis is known the world over as a prestigious sport for both men and women, but it’s also played by those who are at the beginner and intermediate levels. In order to learn more about the sport, or to sharpen their skills, many players may select one-on-one lessons with a tennis coach. While these are… Continue reading
Things You Really Need to Know About Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is a serious issue, which often gets lost in the shuffle of different forms of cancer. However, the scary statistic is that 1 out of every 5 Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetime.The most serious form of skin cancer is melanoma, which is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of pigment-producing cells.… Continue reading
Little-Known Facts About Acne
The most common skin disorder in the US is acne, affecting 40 to 50 million people. Acne most commonly starts during puberty, however it is not restricted to any age group. While more than 40% of teenagers have acne or acne scars by their mid-teens, adults can develop acne in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or… Continue reading
The Pros and Cons of Getting Invisible Braces That Every Adult Should Know
Orthodontic treatment for dental misalignment is most often thought of as a treatment for children. And while it’s true that 80% of American teenagers are currently undergoing some form of orthodontic treatment, it’s not impossible for one to reach adulthood without undergoing the treatment they need. If you need adult orthodontics to improve the appearance… Continue reading
Telemedicine Trends and Effects on Psychiatry
For many patients, telemedicine video conferencing solutions can be the difference between promptly receiving treatment and waiting weeks to get an appointment with a doctor in an office some distance away. Timing an appointment is especially crucial for psychiatry patients, who may need to contact their doctor or therapist about a pressing issue. Fortunately, telemedicine… Continue reading
Urgent Care Centers Why They Are Preferable to Emergency Rooms in Non-Lethal Cases
Ever had an accident and had to wait hours to see a doctor at the emergency room? Ever had ridiculous medical bills to pay? Ever get fed up with how emergency rooms are run? If you are ever in need of medical care that is not life-threatening, there is another option for you besides the… Continue reading
Notice Having a Lack of Focus? You May Be At Risk for Low Testosterone
Nearly nine out of ten men with this condition do not seek treatment for it. Amazingly, it is thought that 13 million American men suffer from this illness. What is it? Low testosterone. Low testosterone, also known as testosterone deficiency or “low T,” denotes an usually low level of testosterone. Although testosterone levels in males… Continue reading