Just about everyone these days knows how important heart health is, but not everyone knows what to do if there’s a risk of any kind of heart problems. Heart disease and heart failure are some of the biggest killers in the United States today, and most often they are preventable issues. Fortunately, it is possible… Continue reading
Author: News Health
A Few Skin Care Tips to Treat and Prevent Acne
Many of us have had acne in one time or another (85% of us, to be exact). More than 40% of teenagers, for example, currently have acne or acne scars. Although acne is well-known for affecting teenagers, it is not exclusive to them. Adults in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and ever older can get acne.… Continue reading
3 Common Myths About Assisted Living Care
Assisted living care, also known as independent living, is a hotly debated topic in America these days. With an onslaught of negative press, no one knows who to trust or believe anymore about assisted living services. However, it’s important that people know the truth about elderly care, because it is a vital aspect of care… Continue reading
Lose Weight With Lasers Liposuction Procedures
Losing weight is hard, no matter who you are. It’s a long term project (to say the very least) that requires diligence, patience, and a ton of working out and eating right. The fact is, there is no other way to lose weight besides proper diet and exercise. Without those two things, no weight loss… Continue reading
5 Reasons Your Toes Might Be Hurting (and What You Can Do About It)
One question local podiatrists get all the time is how to treat toe pain. The problem with this question, of course, is that toe pain — while extremely common — can be caused by so many different injuries or conditions. Below is some advice on how to treat toe pain associated with five of the… Continue reading
Yoga May Keep Kids In School
Yoga practice may have even more benefits than we realize. While yoga has been credited with all kinds of things, including improved flexibility, weight loss, and even relief from hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause, new research suggests that it may also help more children from all around the world stay in school. According… Continue reading
What Can You Learn from Taking Group Tennis Lessons? The Answer May Surprise You
Tennis is known the world over as a prestigious sport for both men and women, but it’s also played by those who are at the beginner and intermediate levels. In order to learn more about the sport, or to sharpen their skills, many players may select one-on-one lessons with a tennis coach. While these are… Continue reading
Things You Really Need to Know About Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is a serious issue, which often gets lost in the shuffle of different forms of cancer. However, the scary statistic is that 1 out of every 5 Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetime.The most serious form of skin cancer is melanoma, which is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of pigment-producing cells.… Continue reading