Sleep apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder that can lead to other more serious health issues. Fortunately, the condition can be treated fairly easily using CPAP machines, but that can come with its own set of challenges. Many people who start CPAP treatment feel a little overwhelmed or uncomfortable with the sensation of wearing CPAP… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Struggling to Lose Weight? Consider These Alternative Treatments
Maintaining a healthy weight should be a priority for everyone. Americans, unfortunately, struggle with staying fit. It is estimated that more than one-third of all American adults are obese. According to medical standards, obesity means having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. Despite good health habits, such as a healthy diet and… Continue reading
Benefits of Getting a Massage
The benefits of massage, especially foot massage, are incredibly because they really allow you to kick back and relax and just spend some time thinking about your fast paced lifestyle. If you are wondering if massage is for you, you might want to check out a shop that specializes in Asian bodywork so you can… Continue reading
Four Things You Need To Know Before Getting LASIK Surgery
With millions of Americans suffering from poor vision and getting fed up with relying on their prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses all the time, LASIK surgery is becoming one of the most popular procedures offered by optometrists today. If you’re one of the many people thinking about getting LASIK surgery, here are a few basic… Continue reading
Six of the World’s Best Spice Markets
Forget paint and new dishes: every good cook knows that spices and seasonings are the greatest way to change up your kitchen. From fennel seeds to dill pollen, there are a thousand different ingredients that can add zest and flavor to even the plainest recipes. Unfortunately, the quest to find these herbs is often plagued… Continue reading
5 Times You Shouldn’t Tough Out Back Pain
Most people experience back pain at some point in their lives, whether that’s because they fell asleep in a strange position or because they have serious medical issues. So when should you seek treatment for back pain? Here are some suggestions that can help you get treatment when you need it: When You’ve Been in… Continue reading
Menopausal Solutions for Women
Menopause is a difficult stage in life for all women. Not only is your body changing physically, but the mental comprehension of the end of child bearing years can be difficult to grasp as well. Menopause creates a variety of questions when a woman reached the age that they are no longer able to conceive,… Continue reading
Personal Fitness Coaching For Physical Success
You don’t need a million studies to tell you that exercise is good for you, by now its common knowledge that regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately with our busy day to day lives it can be difficult to squeeze in a fitness plan that works with our schedule. Personal… Continue reading