It is easy to underestimate the value of our feet and ankles. The average person takes up to 6,000 steps a day. In fact, we average 4,000 to 6,000. This means that we travel as far as five times around the world throughout your lifetime. Our feet are made up of 52 bones, many of them delicate, yet they carry our weight every day and carry us do far. That’s a great deal of wear and tear on your feet, ankles and limbs. It’s little wonder then that foot problems are on the rise. Podiatry can help to alleviate the pain and damage.
From ankle sprains to foot pains, any problem with the limbs or extremities can be extremely debilitating. As much as 80% of all people have a foot problem of some kind. Women tend to suffer from foot problems four times as much as men. The wearing of high heel shoes can greatly contribute to both foot and back pain. Back pain causes the loss of as much as 44 million working days every year. When it comes to ankle problems, 60% of all issues are ankle sprains or strains.
Other issues can include osteoarthritis, which is the most common form of arthritis. It impacts almost 21 million people in America and most are women. Women often also wear shoes that are too small, which puts additional strain on their feet and can damage things. Foot and ankle doctors also offer treatment for a range of other ailments, including toenail problems, corns and calluses, fallen arches, flat feet, and toe or joint deformities. Ignoring problems with your ankles or feet can exacerbate the issue and cause greater damage. Expert care is needed to ensure that issues do not debilitate you unnecessarily.
Looking after your feet and ankles is then vital. Wearing suitable shoes, having abnormalities checked by a podiatrist, a foot and ankle specialist, and resting your limbs especially in times of injury can help to lessen the burden on your precious feet and ankles. Get your feet measured at least once a decade, since women’s feet in particular tend to spread. Foot care should not be a luxury; every person should value and appreciate the incredible role that our feet and ankles play in our lives.