Answer YES or NO to the following questions.
1. Have you, for as long as you can remember, been plagued by minor health problems – headaches, skin rashes, constant colds, viruses, fleeting pains, bloating, sleep problems, stomach upsets?
2. Have you never had a fully healthy skin?
3. Have you tried to lose weight and never succeeded and if
you have lost weight have you put it on again?
4. Do you get recurring problems like joint and muscle pains,
restless legs, fatigue, headaches, tics, rashes, depression,
anxiety, tinnitus?
5. Have you had long periods of coping with everything and
then suddenly become exhausted and has this happened more than once?
6. Do you feel tired after a full night’s sleep?
7. Do you feel as if you’ve never totally been yourself?
8. Have you felt as if your life goes round in circles? You
have periods of feeling okay when you get on with your life,
make plans, see friends… Then you find the pace is speeding
up, it seems that there’s too much to do but you’re still okay,
coping. Then suddenly, or so it appears, everything seems too much and you descend into feelings of despair and not coping – all you really want to do is withdraw. And when it finally passes do you feel confused and unsure of yourself?
9. Have you ever made a major change to your diet and, after
an initial high, felt worse?
10. Do you frequently have stomach problems – wind,
indigestion, constipation and/or diarrhea?
11. Have you had bouts of anxiety, nervousness or depression
for no apparent reason?
12. Has a doctor, more than once, told you he can find nothing wrong or that there’s nothing to worry about saying that the rash, pain, (or whatever) will go away even though you’ve told him it recurs, or suggested your problem is stress related when you know it isn’t?
The more questions you have answered YES to, the greater the likelihood that something you are eating is making you ill.
You are in good company! But do please remember that the
reasons for illness are complex and you should always consult with your doctor before embarking on any major dietary changes.
If you answered NO to them all then it is unlikely
that food is your problem.
source: http://www.healthrecipes.com/food_allergy_questionnaire.htm