The way we live today necessitates alcohol detox centers. In a society that values pleasurable activities, such as drinking, addiction follows closely. This is not surprising considering the fact that 13.9 percent of women and 30.0 percent of men 12 and older, reported consuming five or more drinks on the same occasion in the past month. This is known as binge drinking, which in excess can lead to serious harmful affects and require detoxification.
Addiction comes in many forms and the treatments vary depending on the drug. Patients addicted to opiod drugs require time and patience. Going “cold turkey” will only lead to relapse and more serious medical problems. This is why detox centers become important. Having the aid of doctors and physicians who create detox programs that cater to each patients needs, greatly increases their likelihood of staying healthy.
In the world of drugs, marijuana continues to be a hot topic. It was originally cultivated in China over 4,700 years ago, for therapy (and recreation). In the U.S. today, the pot-growing business is overseen by the federal government.
The University of Mississippi in Oxford cultivates marijuana, under a federal contract, for research purposes. Researchers must be cleared by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Until 2002, the law prohibited physicians from actively supplying and prescribing their patients with the drug. However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that doctors who prescribe medical marijuana, discussed the drug with their patients and provided recommendations, would be protected in supplying their patients with the drug.
It is important for families to practice healthy habits, and instill those habits in young children. Learning how to deal with stress, loss, and depression, can reduce the risk of addiction later in life. The first step is finding a family doctor. There are many family practice doctors who work specifically with families to ensure optimum health. It is easy to find a family doctor in your area.
Avoiding addiction altogether can save a person a lifetime of struggle and work. However, in our fast-paced society, drug addiction runs rampant, and the next best thing is to provide treatment to those in need. The first step in recovery from drug addiction, is detox. At alcohol detox centers, patients will be guided through a detoxification process. This involves evaluation, stabilization, and transfer into a treatment program. Alcohol detox centers provide the thorough aid and treatment necessary to help a person end their addiction and start fresh. Don’t wait, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Visit your local alcohol detox centers for more information.
For more information, read this website: www.browarddoc.com