Imagine that you’re traveling far from home. Maybe you’re visiting your grandkids. Maybe you’re headed to a wedding. Maybe you’re on a baseball road trip. Whatever the case may be, getting sick or hurt on the road and away from home does not fell good in any way. Nobody wants to need a doctor for any kind of emergency, especially one that doesn’t know us or our history.
In days gone by, if you were away from home, it could be very difficult to get a hold of a doctor, depending on where you were located. These days, emergency room care has evolved to the point where the local doctors can get any information they might need much more quickly than ever before. Urgent care clinics are opening up all over the country and they compliment emergency room care very well.
Urgent care facilities are becomming more and more prevelent around the country. There are over 20,000 doctors practicing urgent care medicine today. Urgent care facilities are equipt to treat the emergency needs of patients as well as treat sicknesses that are more common. In 2012, the most common treatment performed at urgent care facilities was wound repair, and the number one diagnosis given was an upper respiratory condition. Most of these urgent care offices, 85% in fact, are opening seven days a week, so it is usually not very difficult to find a doctor when you need one.
You don’t have to be away from home to visit an urgent care facility. Many of them aorund the country are set up for physical therapy treatment. Many adults suffer from injuries that require rehabilitation, and finding a rehab facility in the same building as your doctor make things super convenient for everyone involved.
Often, people with minor injuries will go to an urgent care clinic rather than go to the hospital emergency room. Depending on where you live, that might be the best idea. Sometimes it can take a while to be seen by a doctor in the hospital emergency room. With urgent care clinics, you are likely to be seen much more quickly. They treat just about everything that could need treatment, and are equipt to deal with a diagnosis, a treatment procedure, and even the rehabilition that might have to go along with it.
Our population is changing all the time, day by day. As time goes by, the baby boomer generation is getting older and with age can come the troubles with pain. By 2030, it is estimated that 60% of all baby boomers will be managing a chronic condition. Having ready access to a doctor when you need one can make dealing with chronic pain just a little bit more bearable. Foot and limb pain and chronic pain in the back are the big culprits when it comes to aging. Falling and sustaining injury can also issues. When looking for a doctor, why not take a look at the local urgent care clinic.