Owning a fish tank can provide you with a glimpse into the tranquil beauty found beneath the surface of the water. It is essential to keep the fish and plants healthy and happy. Although the experience can be rewarding, the tank itself will need to be maintained regularly.
How to Take Care of Fish Tanks
Step 1
Make sure the tank components are compatible. The hood and stand should match the size of the fish tank. You also need to make sure the filtration system you are using is appropriate for the fish tank, as well as the heater used to warm the water. There are many different filtration systems used in fish tanks.
Step 2
Allow the fish tank to run for a few days before you add any fish. This allows you to check that the filtration system, heater and other equipment is running properly. Once you see the tank is running without problems, add one or two small fish. Do not add more fish for another two weeks.
Step 3
Avoid overpopulating the fish tank. This will cause more scum and build-up, which will require you to clean the tank more often, and is unhealthy for the fish. For about every gallon of water, you should have only one inch of full-grown fish. For example, guppies reach 2 inches, so you should have a maximum of five fish of that size in a 10 gallon tank.
Step 4
Avoid overfeeding the fish. This will also cause more scum and build-up, which will lead to you cleaning the tank more often, and creates wastes which will impact your fishes’ health. When adding food to the fish tank, use only enough to immediately feed them. You will want to avoid any of it falling to the bottom of the tank. Feed no more than twice a day.
Step 5
Perform periodic equipment checks. Check your filtration system to make sure it is filtering out debris, check to make sure your water heater is working properly, and replace bulbs every six months. Clean the filter pads at least once a month by rinsing in tap water or replacing them.
Step 6
Change out 20 to 50 percent of the water at least once every two weeks. Remove the old water using a cup, an aquarium siphon or gravel cleaner. Replace with tap water that has had dechlorinator (water conditioner) added and is of a similar temperature to the water in the tank.
Step 7
Clean the outside and inside of the glass by wiping it down regularly. Feel free to use glass cleaner on the outside of the fish tank, but spray it onto the towel in another room, if possible. Use a specially made algae scraper or cleaning pad made for aquariums to clean the inside of the glass.
source: http://www.ehow.com/how_4830960_care-fish-tanks.html
Thanks for good article. Hope to see more soon.