Fish is very healthy and contains protein, vitamins and minerals. It is recommended that we all consume at least two fish meals per week. One of these meals should be of oily fish. You can choose from fresh, frozen or canned fish. However, you should be careful because canned and smoked fish may contain a lot of salt.
Oil fish are called so because they contain types of fats known as omega 3 fatty acids. They are very healthy and have various properties. Omega 3 fatty acids can protect against heart diseases.
We all should consume a lot of oily fish. However, pregnant women should have maximum two portions of oily fish for a week. Note that a portion is about 140 g. Adults are commonly advised to eat up to four portions of oily fish.
But what fish is oily? The following are examples of oily fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, fresh tuna, eel, pilchards, sardines, herring, etc.
Non-oily fish, also called white fish, include haddock, plaice, cod, skate, coley, hake, tinned tuna.
Be careful with shark, swordfish and marlin and do not eat more than a portion per week because these types of fish contain a lot of mercury.
A useful advice may be to choose and consume different types of fish and to eat only one particular kind.
Also, there are certain limits about fish consummation that should be followed by children, pregnant women or breast feeding women.