Hearing loss is one of today’s most common issues. It’s also one of the least understood.
Many go through life with varying degrees of hearing loss and not even know it. Tinnitus comes in several different forms and affects millions of adults and children today. As such, the function of hearing centers is only becoming more widely spread. The hearing aid clinic is particularly useful for the elderly population, to boot, and can provide everything from cochlear implants to simple tests. When you have a loved one that needs support concerning hearing loss, or even ear pain, a hearing test centers are a good place to start asking questions.
Learn more about hearing loss and the different forms it takes by reading the list below.
The Rate Of Hearing Loss In America
You might be facing hearing loss yourself. This common issue is exacerbated by a number of factors, which can easily compound with the individual none the wiser. Recent studies have found nearly 15% of adults have some trouble hearing today. Another study found one out of four people over the age of 65 have debilitating hearing loss. The hearing aid clinic is a useful resource that can provide tests, resources, and consultations concerning this development.
Hearing Loss And Its Causes
What causes hearing loss? This issue can range from the onset of age to an encounter with a particularly loud noise. Permanent hearing loss can be caused by exposure to sounds louder than 85 decibels, which are frequently found in many construction sites. Tinnitus is a common issue that is often caused by constantly working in loud locations or regularly listening to loud music. One way or another, hearing loss is becoming a very mundane problem.
The Function Of Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are just one resource that can be looked into to improve an individual’s quality of life. It’s been estimated nearly 30 million American adults could benefit from the aid of hearing aids today. The average age of first-time hearing aid wearers is 70 years, though there is a significant population of younger adults and children who use hearing aids in everyday life. Ear plugs can also be used to make sure hearing loss doesn’t get worse. Different styles of ear plugs have the ability to reduce noise by 15 to 30 decibels.
Defining Deaf And Hard-Of-Hearing
The definition of deafness has expanded over the past few decades. It can denote an individual that was born without hearing as well as someone with very limited hearing capabilities. It’s estimated 90% of deaf children are born to hearing parents, with deafness able to originate in the womb or develop in the first few years of life. Hearing loss affects every area of a person’s life. Even mild hearing loss can cause a child to miss up to 50% of a classroom discussion, for example.
Visiting A Hearing Aid Clinic In 2019
Whether you have a loved one facing profound hearing loss over the next few years, or are worried about the onset of tinnitus in your own life, a hearing aid clinic can help. You can start off with a basic hearing test to see where you stand on the scale, then figure out where you want to go from there. Hearing loss is expected to only get more common from here. According to an interesting study by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association more than 200 over-the-counter medications can damage hearing. This doesn’t even scratch the surface of noise exposure and genetics.
There are resources ready and waiting to help. Let a hearing aid clinic provide you and your family with quality hearing healthcare in 2019.