It is no secret that the United States, and some other developed nations as well, is going through rising rates in obesity among adolescents and adults. Trends in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and more show that too many adults and under-18s are overweight or even obese, and the numbers continue to grow. The good news is that any responsible adult may take charge of their health and lose excess fat and weight that they may have. This may mean going to a quick weight loss center to get suggestions on how to launch a new diet, and a person may even opt for stomach shots for weight loss at a quick weight loss center. In other cases, rapid weight loss means starting a new diet low in fat and sugar and exercising more. A medical weight loss center may offer a number of surgical methods for losing weight, but other patients may visit a quick weight loss center because they want a change in lifestyle. That may be the secret: rather than weight loss being a short term goal, it can be a more long-term lifestyle change and become a fact of life. At a quick weight loss center, a patient may consult doctors to find the safest and most effective methods for rapid weight loss.
Why Obesity Happens Today
Obesity used to be relatively rare, but today, it is common, and that is not a good thing. Why are so many adults too heavy? One major aspect may be a relative lack of good exercise such as cardio or weigh training and resistance. The human body is in fact designed to move and get constant exercise daily, and this is a holdover from the days when early hominids spent all day chasing game animals. Other apes and primates are tree dwellers, living sedentary lives eating fruit and vegetables. Not human beings; modern man, and our recent ancestors, are exercise-oriented animals, and our bodies are in fact designed to reward exercise (think of the “runner’s high”), and punishes sedentary behavior.
No one is chasing their dinner today, but good exercise is a must among kids and adults alike. Two in three adults is overweight or obese, and this is because many people are not exerting themselves. Cardio and weight training is what adults and kids need, and in fact a child’s mental development (as well as physical) is heavily based on getting gross motor activity done. Kids may have limited mental capacity if they lack exercise, and many parents are concerned that their kids are spending too much time on electronic screens and not enough on exercise outside or playing sports. Adults are no better, often working desk jobs and failing to exercise even 30 minutes a day.
Bad diets are the other major factor, and fast food and processed foods are packed with added sugars and fats meant to make them taste more appealing. This is a marketing stunt, and it comes at the expense of Americans’ health and waistlines. Fast food rapidly grew as an industry starting in the 1970s, and today, processed and fast foods often replace wholesome and organic foods on Americans’ plates. But this can be changed.
Start Weight Loss
Every person is different, and someone intending weight loss may want to visit a quick weight loss center or their own doctor to find some safe guidelines and ideas for their program. Pre-existing conditions such as a bad heart or spine, or recent surgery or diabetes may alter how exercise and dieting are done, as well as food allergies. Once a person knows what to do, they can transform their diet and lifestyle.
A good diet can help. Fast foods and processed foods can be dropped in favor of fruits and vegetables, lean meats like chicken or fish, whole wheat and grains, and dairy like cheese and milk. This can be combined with proper cardio or even weight training to develop muscles, burn fat, and sculpt a new body. Sports like soccer or basketball, or martial arts like karate or Muay Thai, can not only work out different muscles and burn fat but will also be a lot of fun and teach new skills. Classes may be locally available for martial arts.