Thousands of people have acne, and a large number of these people are not in their teenage years. There are many natural options for acne treatment, from herbs to food.
You should consider the fact that a healthy diet is very important for beautiful and healthy skin. Many specialists who practice alternative medicine focus on the connection between food and acne. For example, white chocolate and French fries cannot cause pimples, fatty acids are very important for healthy skin complexion and insufficient nutrients can only damage the skin.
The usage of vitamin A is common for solving skin problems and promotion of healthy skin. Many people take overdoses of this vitamin as they wish to achieve perfect skin. However, this will not only have no better results, but can also damage the liver.
Saw palmetto is one of the herbs that are widely used to treat acne. This plant is especially beneficial for acne associated with hormone production, for example pre-menstrual acne.
Another very useful plant remedy is tea tree oil. It is a natural antibacterial agent that makes the skin dry. Tea tree oil fights the P. Acnes bacteria and reduces the oil on the skin. This herbal oil is widely used in various preparations available on the market.
A popular option for acne treatment is also the application of zinc on the facial skin. Zinc may help for reduction of the skin oiliness.
The usage of herbs, classified as “calming” is also very popular and very beneficial. These herbs include chamomile and lavender.
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