Stress basics
Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the demands of life. Your brain comes hard-wired with an alarm system for your protection. When your brain perceives a threat, your body releases a burst of hormones to fuel your fight-or-flight response. When the threat is gone, your body returns to normal. Unfortunately, the nonstop stress of modern life means that your alarm system rarely shuts off.
That’s why stress management is so important. Stress management gives you the tools to reset your alarm system. Without stress management, your body is always on red alert. Over time, that level of stress leads to serious health problems. Don’t wait until then to combat stress. Start learning stress management techniques now.
Stress relief
Do you know anyone who isn’t stressed out these days? The pace of our lives makes stress management a necessary skill for all of us. Learning to identify your problems and implement solutions is the key to successful stress relief. The first step in stress relief is identifying your stress triggers. Some causes of stress are obvious — job loss, a divorce, the death of a loved one. But small, daily hassles and demands such as a long commute or trouble finding child care also contribute to your stress level.
Once you’ve identified a stressful situation, you can start thinking about strategies to make it less problematic. Sometimes, the solution may be as easy as turning off the TV when the evening news is too depressing. When you can’t avoid a stressful situation, try brainstorming ways to reduce the irritation factor. And don’t feel like you have to figure it out all on your own. Seek help and support from family and friends. You may want to ask them what stress-relief techniques have worked well for them.
Stress won’t disappear from your life. And stress management isn’t an overnight cure. But with practice, you’ll learn how to reduce your stress level and increase your ability to cope with life’s challenges.
Relaxation techniques
Relaxation techniques are an essential part of stress management. Relaxation isn’t just about finding some quiet time or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a process that helps you repair the toll that stress takes on your mind and body.
Almost everyone can benefit from learning relaxation techniques. Relaxation techniques usually involve refocusing your attention to something calming and increasing awareness of your body. Common relaxation techniques include meditation and yoga. Almost any type of exercise is a great stress buster. It doesn’t matter which relaxation technique you choose. What matters is that you practice relaxation regularly.
source: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/stress-management/MY00435