If you’re suffering from allergies, you might find relief by changing your bedroom linens. According to Avera, every home has its share of allergens, such as dust and mites. The holes within your bedroom linens are a common place for allergens to collect, and when you inhale them, they can cause allergies and other respiratory symptoms. Your symptoms may begin with sneezing, watery eyes, and an itchy or runny nose.
According to Avera, it’s wise to change your sheets and pillowcases at least once a week. Allergy sufferers who want to take further precautions may look for hypoallergenic pillow cases. People whose allergies cause rashes may also want to find hypoallergenic bed sheets. According to Best Reviews, these hypoallergenic sheets and pillow cases might be made from cotton blend, microfiber, or bamboo.
People who find success in reducing allergy symptoms with those items may go on to purchase other items that help further their allergy reduction. For example, people who continue to suffer with allergies despite using allergy free pillow cases may also want allergy free pillows. These same clients may also want an allergy free comforter for naps on the sofa or visiting friends who also suffer from allergies.
If you’re a person with allergies, you know how irritating they can be. Some people wonder, “Can you have allergies in the summer?” People who are prone to allergies know that although spring allergies are often the result of pollen from trees and flowering plants, summer causes its share of allergies. Summer seasonal allergies are typically due to grass allergens blown by the wind.
According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of summer allergies can include nasal symptoms ranging from minor irritation to loss of smell. The eyes, ears, and throat will also likely develop symptoms. According to the National Library of Medicine, a history of seasonal allergies is often associated with a higher risk for anxiety, mood disorders, and eating disorders.
Allergies in summer can also be due to indoor sources, such as mold or mildew. Homes can be subject to mildew after a flood, but mildew can also occur from leaks in a roof, allowing too much moisture into your ducts. Mold spores can grow in the same circumstances and cause similar symptoms. One of the best ways to prevent the overgrowth of mildew is to ask your HVAC contractor to provide a regular duct cleaning service.
Though skin rashes may feel as if they come out of nowhere, the reality is that there are various triggers you can watch out for! Consider these next few things if you want to avoid allergies that cause skin rash!
Your Cosmetics
If you’re a makeup wearer, beware of some of the more harmful ingredients usually found in cosmetic and skincare products. They can easily trigger allergies that cause skin rash. It’s easy to opt for whatever the cheapest option from the drugstore is, but if you’re trying to take care of your skin, start reading labels and doing your research online to prevent allergies and irritation.
Your skincare products can also cause allergies and rashes on your face. If you’re using ingredients that are too harsh for your skin type, they can cause redness, acne, and scarring.
If you’re using active ingredients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, or salicylic acid, pay close attention to your skin’s reaction to the product.
If you’re experiencing tenderness stop immediately, and contact a dermatologist.
A doctor or esthetician will prescribe something gentler that won’t peel or break the skin and cause long term damage. They may also inform you more about allergies that cause skin rash for your skin type.
You should always wear sunscreen when leaving the house. However, some may contain ingredients that can break the skin out in hives. Oxybenzone should be avoided, as they may do more harm than good.
Try to go for an organic and natural sun protectant to keep your skin safe year-round!

Makeup is formulated to work with your skin, however, sometimes it contains ingredients that don’t agree with your specific skin type. Research your blushes, bronzers, foundations, powders, and lipsticks!
Ingredients that can harm your skin include parabens, artificial perfumes, and dyes. Even formaldehyde, which is used as a preservative, can trigger allergies that cause skin rash in sensitive and dry skin.
Cheaper Jewelry Can Cause Rashes
Marilyn Monroe once said that diamonds are a girl’s best friend — and boy, was she right. Human beings have such a fascination with stunning jewelry, but not everyone can pay those Cartier and Tiffany’s tier prices. Therefore, many people resort to buying low quality jewelry, as it’s the most affordable option. While it’s a good alternative to designer jewelry, it’s often made with synthetic metals that can have an adverse reaction when it comes into contact with the skin. Surgical grade stainless steel is preferred for sensitive skin. Gold jewelry is timeless and another great option. If you do want to buy more cost-effective costume jewelry, limit the amount of time you’re wearing it on your skin. Less contact throughout the day may help with discomfort or inflammation.
One prevalent material found in cheaper jewelry is nickel. Hairdressers are even at risk, so if you work at a hair salon, opt for a different material for your scissors if you want to avoid allergies that cause skin rash.
There are a few ways you can tell that you’re allergic to nickel. For starters, exposure to it can leave behind inflamed welts. It can also make your skin appear thicker and dry.
If you have noticed this, try to avoid nickel in fasteners on your clothes and money clips.
But are there ways to prevent these types of rashes? Aim to purchase necklaces and bracelets that sit at a mid-point price range. Seek pricier alternatives when you can, as they use higher grade materials.
While it may be a little pricer, it’s worth not having to deal with a skin flare-up!
Sun Exposure
You may already know that the sun’s strong UV rays can cause burns. But did you know that they can also cause rashes? It sounds like something out of a horror story, but there are individuals who are allergic to the sun!
If you have experienced the following symptoms, you may be one of them.
- You have developed welts after being in the sun for too long
- Scaling
- Cracked Skin
- Swelling
- Raised Bumps
If this sounds like you, stay covered up when going in the sun. If you love to swim come summertime, purchase a wetsuit with a rash guard. Additionally, load up on the sunscreen to avoid allergies that cause skin rash! Getting an aesthetic treatment from your dermatologist can also calm inflammation from prolonged sun exposure.
Consider Your Diet
The foods we put into our bodies have a direct impact on our skin. If you’ve noticed your skin is breaking out in hives, red splotches, or it feels dry and dehydrated, consider your diet as a factor that can be contributing to your allergies that cause skin rash. Certain foods that have been known to cause rashes in individuals include soy milk, eggs, cow’s milk, shellfish, wheat, and peanuts.

Read ingredient labels and make smart choices if you’re prone to these breakouts.
A Whole 30 diet is also another option if you’re struggling to find your exact trigger. This meal plan forces you to eliminate several food groups from your diet. By slowing adding them back in, you’ll be able to gain a better understanding of which foods can cause your skin to break out.
Allergens in the Air
You also have to consider the allergens in the air. To counteract this, stay on top of the air conditioning maintenance in your home. Dust can aggravate your skin AND lungs, so hire a duct cleaning service at work, and ensure that you’re cleaning your own air conditioning unit at home every few months.
They can collect and bring in dander into your home, so don’t skimp on these cleaning duties.
Cleaning Chemicals
Hash household cleaners can also strip your skin and cause serious flair-ups. If you have found that your cleaning products have been leaving your skin feeling flakey and attributing to allergies that cause skin rash, switch to a more natural alternative.
For example, use products with lemons, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide. Liquid castile soap is another good option.
These ingredients are also safe to use around family and pets, so it’s a win/win situation.
You would think that antibiotics wouldn’t harm the skin due to their anti-inflammatory properties, but they are also known for causing flare ups in people with preexisting skin conditions. If your doctor has prescribed you with antibiotics, carefully look for side effects such as allergies that cause skin rash. Call your doctor immediately if you notice your skin turning bright red, or excessive peeling.
Unfortunately, chlorine is another skin rash trigger. If you have plans to lounge by the pool this summer but your skin is notoriously sensitive to chlorine, it’s best that you stay out of the water. If you have a pool at home, ensure that you hire a pool cleaning service often to maintain the water.
Poison Ivy or Poison Oak
Natural doesn’t always mean something is better for you. Take poison ivy, for instance. While it’s found in nature, it can easily cause a rash if you’re exposed to it for even just a few seconds or minutes. Campers and hikers, watch out for this plant this summer. If you happen to get any on your skin, refrain from rubbing your eyes and wash off the afflicted area with water immediately.
Hard Water
Water softeners can help deliver high quality water whenever you shower.
Therefore, invest in one if you want to have great quality water in your home or apartment. Benefits of having a hard water filter or a water softener in your apartment include:
- no more lime buildup on showerheads
- softer skin and hair
- cleaner dishes and less water spots on cutlery
Pet Allergies
No one wants to be allergic to their four legged friend! Unfortunately, their dander can cause your skin to itch uncontrollably if you’re already allergic. Therefore, if you’re considering adding a new member to the family, make sure that you’re not allergic to man’s best friend first.
Genetics can often play a large role when it comes to skin allergies. Do a family DNA test to determine what you’re most sensitive to.
Before you snap those latex gloves on, stop! You may be allergic. Coming into contact with this substance can cause minor to severe rashes that can last days.
Cobalt in Hair Dye
Skin rashes on the legs and arms is quite common. But rashes and irritation on the scalp are also common. Certain shampoos can dry the skin on your head out and cause dandruff. Cobalt in hair dyes is another harmful ingredient that can cause painful rashes. Try to use a natural-based product if you worry about burning your skin. Henna, for example, is quite popular and is often used to substitute harsh hair dyes.

Tips for Soothing a Flare Up
Consider these steps when trying to heal from a rash.
- Try using a cool cloth to bring down the inflammation. Pour cold water onto the towel and let it sit in your freezer for a few minutes. Gently press it into the skin. Since you’re just applying water to the afflicted area, you won’t have to worry about it getting irritated even further.
- Prepare an oatmeal bath. These aren’t just for babies with a diaper rash. Try this if you need something a bit more soothing. Purchase regular oats (not instant) from your local grocery store, grind them up in a blender and pour one to two cups of the oats into warm bathwater. Sit, soak, and relax until your skin allergies have subsided. It should help with the itchiness, as oats have anti-inflammatory properties.
- You can also sit in a bath filled with warm water and baking soda. This gentle ingredient should also tackle any skin discomfort you may be feeling.
- If your skin feels hot to the touch, consider using aloe vera gel to soothe the skin allergy. Aloe vera gels and lotions will instantly cool the skin and bring you some comfort.
- Be patient. Sometimes you’ll need to treat the skin multiple times to see results.
- Never scratch your skin! You may be tempted to scratch, but doing so will only make your skin feel worse.
- Clean everything in your home often, even the car carpet to prevent bringing those allergens home with you.
- Go see a doctor if you’re struggling to see results with at-home remedies.
Final Words on Common Skin Allergies and Rashes

These were some triggers and allergies that cause skin rash.
Your skin is your body’s largest organ. While it is a powerful one, make sure you’re treating it right! Follow these tips to prevent rashes, and learn how to nourish your skin if it does become irritated due to skin allergies. With summer around the corner, you want to ensure your skin looks its best, after all! And it can with these top tips.