Winter is upon us, and with that means a host of all different diseases, ailments, and minor injuries and illnesses. This is where the best urgent care clinics and emergency room visits come to place, as it can be hard to get an appointment with the doctor during such a busy time. To prevent feeling under the weather this season, here are some of the most common winter minor injuries and illnesses, and how to prevent them before they wreak havoc!
This is anything from a stuffy nose, to a throat virus or a chest infection. All of these can be painful and hard to treat, so the best way to prevent getting sick in the first place is to wash your hands. Follow what mom has always told you, and wash for at least 20 seconds in warm water with a lot of soap. Also, don’t forget to regularly sanitize common household items such as your car’s steering wheel, door handles and knobs, appliances, and remotes.
Sore throat
When this become strep throat it is easy to fix. However, a scratchy throat can be a culprit of dry air or a pesky virus. Always sleep with a humidifier during the winter time to coat your throat but also open your sinuses, and gargle with warm salt water as the salt is anti-inflammatory and will feel soothing.
Cold air is a huge problem for sufferers of asthma during the wintertime. To prevent wheezing, shortness of breath, or a runny nose, make sure to stay inside on incredibly cold days. If you must go out, always wear gloves and use a thick scarf to cover both your nose and mouth from the harsh winds.
The cold air can make painful joints even more immobile. Simply investing 30 minutes to an hour of moving around each day will be able to help your joints feel lubricated and more comfortable. Consider working out at home, or joining a gym with a pool as it will feel warm and soothing on painful muscles.
Keep yourself in tip top shape this cold season with these quick and easy tricks on preventing common winter ailments! More. Visit here for more information.