Million of people visit dermatologist clinics every year, seeking treatment for a wide array of common skin conditions, from acne to skin cancer, which can usually be treated with a number of different procedures and options. Dermatologist specialists can even treat cosmetic issues, such as varicose veins, with a variety of therapies and surgeries. However, if you are looking for the best skin care treatment to handle a less common and more serious dermatological issue, visiting a dermatologist may not always seem like a guaranteed answer to your problem: how can you be sure that a skin dermatologist in your area can provide the best treatment for psoriasis, or Kaposi’s sarcoma, for example? Fortunately, due to the increasing availability of dermatology technology, it is easier than ever to find a local dermatologist that offers treatment for your skin condition. Read on to find out how a dermatologist may treat psoriasis, KS lesions, and more!
While not as prevalent as acne, which affects nearly 85% of people at some point in their lifetime, psoriasis is a common, chronic skin condition which varies from person to person and comes in a number of different forms. Typically, the disorder appears as red, scaly, or dry skin that can be painful or itchy. In some cases, psoriasis can also target the joints, fingernails and toenails, resulting in stiff limbs and thickened, pitted nails. The condition will usually go through cycles in which the problem flares up and then subsides. Fortunately, psoriasis can be treated with a variety of skin care products and methods, including creams, lotions, shampoos or ointments, as well as pills and injections designed to affect the body’s immune response, or light therapy. Psoriasis also benefits from proper and regular skin care, so patients should make sure they are utilizing the best skin care habits possible to avoid irritating the skin.
Candida Infections
Yeast infections are often only thought of as a problem that can affect women’s reproductive systems; however, yeast infections, also called candida infections, can spread to other parts of the body, including the lungs, liver, and skin. This is especially common in patients with weakened immune systems, which can result from a variety of diseases and disorders, such as cancer and HIV. Fortunately, candida infections on the skin can easily be treated with topical products that can be prescribed by a dermatologist.
Kaposi’s Sarcoma
Kaposi’s sarcoma is one of the many conditions that tends to develop in patients with AIDS due to the weakened immune system the disease causes. Although the disorder was originally only found in males of certain ethnic groups, such as middle-aged men of Middle Eastern descent, it is now considered an AIDS-identifying disease. Appearing as dark or purplish lesions on the skin, KS can spread to other parts of the body, including the internal organs. Because the lesions are actually cancerous, it is important that they be removed through surgery.
Whether your skin is perfectly healthy or experiencing a skin problem, it is natural to want the best skin care to improve both your health and appearance. Due to the wide array of dermatological services and procedures now available, treating everything from cosmetic complaints to medical issues is now easier than ever. Contact a dermatologist near you to discuss the best skin care treatment for your skin.
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