Hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy is certainly a mouthful, and probably sounds very intimidating and scary. The truth is, it’s nothing like that at all. It is a very simple treatment that can help with a number of different conditions.
Hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment is most well-known for treating divers with the bends. But it is actually an effective treatment for a variety of different conditions, such as Lyme disease, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, stroke, traumatic brain injuries, and radiation necrosis.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment consists of the patients entering a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber. The air inside the chamber is filled with a higher concentration of oxygen than regular. This allows the patients to breathe in more oxygen than normal, which is filtered throughout the body. Oxygen is crucial to the healing process, so this greater concentration of oxygen within the body helps wounds heal faster.
As intimidating as hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment may sound, it actually doesn’t require much of the patient. All that the patient needs to do is simply to sit there and breathe. The oxygen does the rest of the work. Many patients choose to take their time in the chamber to read, listen to music, or watch a movie, to pass the time. In terms of treatment for serious conditions, this has got to be one of the least taxing.
There are some important things to keep in mind when you’re in such an oxygen-rich environment. Oxygen is very flammable, so it’s important to avoid anything that may cause a spark. Certainly there is no smoking allowed in or near the chamber, nor are you allowed to bring any lighters or matches in your pockets. Your clothes must all be cotton garments.
The benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment far outweigh the intimidating-sounding name. If simply sitting in a room and breathing will help heal a number of conditions, then why wouldn’t you take advantage of that solution? More.