Working out and eating well is the secret to glowing skin. I’ve got the eating well part down, but always need to work on working out!
Glowing skin is a sign of good health and youth. But as you get older, your skin gets exposed to the sun and free radicals, and your skin starts to look sallow. A bright complexion is what you’re looking for, but it can seem difficult to take back years of damage and get glowing skin again.
To bring back your bright complexion, start from the inside out. Make sure you’re eating lots of vegetables. Leafy greens are the best, and so are citrus fruits. Vitamins A, C and B are really important for glowing skin. There are also special vitamins you can take that are formulated to help encourage healthy skin.
Drink lots of water. The more moisturized your body is, the more your skin will show it. You want your skin to appear well hydrated and dewy so that you have an extra bright complexion.
Limit your sun exposure. I don’t mean to spend your life indoors! Just make sure you’re wearing sun block every day. Glowing skin looks fresh, new and dewy. Tanning will make skin darker, but it will also age it, and you don’t want that. If you really want to be tan, you can use sunless tanner. You can also apply a bronzer. Translucent powder has a sheen to it and can give you the appearance of a bright complexion, too. Finish off the look with a pretty pink blush.
Glowing skin is fresh, new skin so you want to make sure your face is properly exfoliated and well moisturized. There are several ways you can ensure it is that way so you have a bright complexion. Here are a few:
- Regular facials. A great way to reveal glowing skin is to freshen up with a facial. Going to get a professional one can be expensive, but you can give yourself a steam facial at home.
- Facial scrubs. Washing with a gentle, textured cleanser can help even out your skin tone and exfoliate it to reveal the glowing skin underneath the damaged top layer. The more sensitive your skin, the less often you can use a scrub — find the right frequency for you.
- Olive oil. This is a fantastic natural moisturizer! Try it as long as you don’t have oily skin. You don’t want to risk breaking out.
- Anti-aging cream. There are plenty of over-the-counter moisturizers that mare made to eliminate free radicals and give you a bright complexion that makes your skin look younger and newer.
While these skin treatments will help you in your efforts to get glowing skin, I can’t encourage a healthy lifestyle enough. That not only means eating well and drinking enough water but also getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. If you feel good, your skin will show it with a bright complexion!
source: http://www.dailyglow.com/askquestion/home-remedy-for-glowing-skin-what-is-the-solution-.html
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