6 teaspoons emu oil
1 teaspoon lanolin
2 teaspoons avocado butter
2 teaspoons beeswax
7 drops ylang ylang essential oil
20 drops orange essential oil
1 millileter Germaber II-E (optional)
Blending Procedure:
1. Combine all ingredients except the essential oils and the preservative (if you are using) into a heat safe glass bowl, and place in the bowl into a hot water bath to melt the beeswax and oils. Heat just until the beeswax is nearly melted. Do not overheat. Stir to combine and completely melt the beeswax.
2. Add the essential oils and the preservative if you are using. Stir to combine.
3. Place into clean container and allow to cool before capping. Label.
4. To use, massage generously into feet and heels before bedtime. Sleep in cotton socks for best softening results. Enjoy softer feet!
5. Note: Emu oil is great for dry and cracked skin but if you’d prefer to use a vegetable based oil, shea butter is an adequate substitute.
Foot Spa
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons your favorite moisturizing lotion
2 cups milk
7 cups water
additional lotion
Blending Procedure:
1. Before getting started with the spa treatment, arrange on the floor, in front of a comfortable chair, a towel big enough to fit a large bowl on. Have an extra towel and a good book ready.
2. In a large saucepan, heat the milk and water until it is as hot as you can stand. While it’s heating, mix your sugar and lotion until all the sugar is coated and the mixture is slightly soupy.
3. When the milk/water mix is ready, put it in a bowl large enough to fit both feet in. Set the empty bowl down on the towel, and then pour the milk/water mixture in. Place the sugar mix near by and place your feet in the milky mix. Soak for about 10 minutes while reading a chapter from your book.
4. After soaking, remove your feet and scoop some of the sugar mix. Use your fingers to scrub the sugar mix onto feet bottoms, tops, and between the toes. Scrub until you feel you have exfoliated enough well. Place feet back in the milk/water mixture and rinse well.
5. When your feet are completely devoid of any sugar, dry them with the extra towel. Slather your piggies with some moisture-rich lotion and sock them until you’re ready to show them off. Some new pink nail polish and summer sandals work well with this recipe!
“OHM” (Oats, Honey & Milk) Cleanser
This delightfully simple recipe uses an essential oil that often hides in the back of my aromatic pantry … myrtle essential oil! Myrtle oil has a clear, fresh scent and mixes beautifully with lavender. It’s a great stimulator and is wonderful for blemished skin. I don’t have that problem (at least at the moment!), but I dropped a bit in this treat anyway because it’s so refreshing and complements the lavender so well. And the best part is that, not only can you make “OHM” in a snap, but it feels great on the skin. Isn’t it wonderful to cleanse your skin naturally??!! Enjoy!!
3 tablespoons finely powdered oats
1 tablespoon runny honey
2 tablespoons warm whipping cream
2 drops myrtle essential oil
4 drops lavender essential oil
Blending Procedure:
1. Warm the whipping cream in a microwave. Do not burn or boil it, just warm it lightly for about 15-20 seconds.
2. Combine the honey and whipping cream and stir well to dissolve honey. Add oats and stir. Let sit for 5 minutes.
3. Add essential oils and stir again to ensure the mix. To use, wet face and scoop “OHM” into palms. Secure hair away from face. Apply to face and neck using upward, sweeping motions, and gentle, circular motions to clean the skin. Repeat if desired (or just because you like the way it feels!) Rinse well and follow with toner and moisturizer.
4. The shelf life of this product is necessarily limited by the fresh cream. You can store it in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for as long as you would safely store fresh cream in the refrigerator. Check the “use by” date on the cream carton you use for an idea of how long the product would remain fresh in the refrigerator.
source: http://www.makeyourcosmetics.com/recipes/index.asp?cat=facial