We are born with minds that are programmed to want to be beautiful. Looking great heads every girl’s wish list. Even when she’s still a toddler waddling around in pink polka-dotted bloomers, a girl cannot but stop and look at herself in a mirror. It is this fascination with beauty and good looks that the beauty industry has caught on to, and, after years of collective mind reading combined with steady R&D work, has begun to offer beauty aids that are almost magical in their ability to enhance and preserve. We have indeed come a long way from ass’s milk and rose water. Today, the beauty industry is perfectly capable of serving up the closest thing to the elixir of eternal youth. Jars, tubes, bottles, capsules of oil and many are present from which magic emerges in many guises. But all of these are the result of dogged research and arduous soul searching by people committed to making every woman’s wish come true.
For knowing and inventing beauty, research and knowledge is the two keywords which must be looked into. The very first step in beautifying yourself is to know about your skin. This will bring immense knowledge about your own skin. Isn’t it really wonderful to study about your own skin? Such studies would help you choose the right product for your skin and also make you more alert on the different ways of caring and pampering your skin. After gathering information on different skin types you can easily categorize your skin to one among those. With this you will become more aware of the various methods in skin care.
Earlier the skin was not classified into various categories and all was considered to be similar. But now it is not the same as there are different skin types and different people have varying skin types and treatments are to be done according to that. Today after a lot of research it has been found out that beauty is skin deep and it largely depends on the quality of the skin. This quality is that which determines age and also make us look younger ever after. From the nineties it has been found out that the essential part of the woman’s daily routine and self confidence is all in the beauty and skin care. Finding the special trades is known to be very important. In this analyzing your own skin type is known to be the most important step.
If you have ever felt that beauty is unattainable- a lucky perk other women are blessed with at birth, take a deep breath and relax. You are not alone-and you also happen to be in for a very pleasant surprise. Just take a look around, and you will quickly see that there is no surefire formula for looking great. For every perfectly symmetrical face on the movie screen, there’s a dazzling, original smile, an explosion of curly hair and many more. For all this the primary step is to know your skin type and you skin. This will surely reveal a lot of secrets and would help you knowing your skin and also some better ways to improve its look.
Skin is the blank canvas of beauty before you do anything else makes sure it is as healthy and clear as possible. The right skin care ingredients can your complexion from dull to luminous, rough to smooth, blemished to practically flawless. But the important step to take before selecting the best products for your individual needs is to determine your skin type. When roughly talked about, there are almost five basic types of skin.
With the increasing cleansers, creams, scrubs and serums crowding the store shelves every day, putting together an effective skin care routine can be, depending on your view point, an indulgent adventure or an overwhelming task. With a little preparation, you can simplify the process. Begin by determining your skin type and targeting your needs. Are you concerned with moisturizing dry patches or preventing breakouts? Softening lines or making skin glow? Next, familiarize yourself with the most potent ingredients available today. Then, bone up on the myriad cosmetic procedures available in dermatologist offices, and the safest, smartest ways to get good results.
There are different skin types which are classified into five division’s namely dry skin, normal skin, oily skin, combination skin and sensitive skin. There is a common and easy step to determine your skin type so that it becomes possible to identify it and to take further necessary steps. For this all you need is a piece of tissue to wipe which is clean. When you wake up in the early morning it is suggested that you wipe your face with the clean tissue that you have and observe it. For those having normal skin, the oil does not come on the paper and your face does not feel tight or flaky. If your skin is oily then there would be oil on the tissue which is seen as transparent spots. The oil comes out usually from the nose, forehead and cheek parts. On the other hand if there is oil only in the center part then it is a combination skin. In such people oil comes off from the forehead and nose which is considered to be the oiliest part of the skin, but does not come from the cheeks. For those who have dry or normal skin they will have no oil in the tissue. After wiping if the skin is left too tight or stretched with a feeling or dryness as well as parched then it is sure to be dry skin. It is sure to be normal skin if it is supple, lively, vibrant and elastic. Thus it is simple test to determine your skin type. People having sensitive skin can point out it when the skin tends to be tight and blotchy and reacts to new skin-care products by becoming red, inflamed or even itchy. There are even online skin tests which are now available in many tests. For knowing the strategies of the skin it is very important to identify your skin type.
source: http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/guides/skin-types/