Researchers from the US and Canada have for the first time found evidence that a few glasses of blueberry juice a day improved memory in…
Blonde Hair Dye Recipe Wash your hair with one of the following rinses. Pour the selected rinse through your hair 15 times, re-rinsing with the…
Chamomile Fields Shampoo The Ingredients 4 bags of Chamomile tea (or 1 handful of fresh Chamomile flowers) 4 tablespoons pure soap flakes The Instructions Let…
Kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in homework — it shows kids that what they do is important. Helping…
“Reach out and touch someone” – good advertising slogan, or evolutionary imperative? How about both? What Madison Avenue knew decades ago has been observed in…
Working overtime is bad for the heart according to results from a long-running study following more than 10,000 civil servants in London (UK): the Whitehall…