This skin condition is caused by a weakness in the capillary vessels and characterized by a localized reddening of the skin. Usually the capillaries expand to receive the sudden rush of blood to the skin. Later they subside and return to the normal state. On the other hand, with a weak elasticity for the capillaries, they surely would expand but do not contract and in the same way do not return to the normal state. Hence it leads to dilated capillaries which have lingering blood cells. This would make them more defined and also appear to be red on the surface of the skin. The structural change that happens during ageing could also result in couperose skin.
1. Increased use of hot as well as cold water on the skin.
2. Blushing
3. Spicy foods
4. Alcohol
5. Cigarettes
6. Sun
7. Hot and spicy foods
The cause differs and includes anything that results in rushing blood to the face.
Couperose Skin Care
1. Do not wash with extreme hot or cold water.
2. Opt for those skin care products which results in strengthening the capillary walls.
3. Before choosing the medication always check out the skin type as there are different products for differing skin types.
source: http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/guides/skin-types/