You don’t need a million studies to tell you that exercise is good for you, by now its common knowledge that regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately with our busy day to day lives it can be difficult to squeeze in a fitness plan that works with our schedule. Personal fitness coaching is an ideal solution to getting the workout plan you need in the time frame that you need it. Although we all should be concentrating on being a healthier person, a driving force for many people is the desire to lose weight or tone up through personal fitness coaching or bikini beach body programs.
Did You Know?
Physical activities have a range of intensity as well as a wide variety of options. Moderate activity such as walking on a level surface gets your heart moving but will generally not over exert your body. A vigorous activity level can be reached through jogging, sprinting, running, hiking, and other high speed high variety of surface levels. Vigorous activity causes you to breathe heavily, be unable to talk for long periods of time, and have an increased heart rate.
Did You Know?
Only one in five adults meet the nation’s Physical Activity Guidelines for muscle strength activity and aerobic exercise. Even worse, only 5% of adults participate in half an hour of physical activity a day.
Did You Know?
Consistent athletic activity can reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease and illnesses. Regular physical activity can also put you at a lower risk of developing type two diabetes or metabolic illness. The majority of costly healthcare spending in the nation comes from diet and exercise, or lack thereof, related ailments.
With the help of diet and exercise, anyone is able to achieve the healthy body they want. Combine nutrition coach training with personal fitness coaching for the best, longest lasting results! Read more: lindseycatarino.com