Raising a child can be an overwhelming and scary thing. You want what is best for your child and you want to protect them from any dangers that the world has. You do your research extensively before giving your child and medications or any treatments, to ensure they won?t harm them any worse. You research all of the potential harms to them, and then you spend a majority of your life attempting to prevent those things from happening. A common worry among parents is that of EMFs, or harmful rays from technology. Technology has become a huge part of our everyday lives, including that of our children?s. Children use technology every single day in the form of education, entertainment and convenience. Many technology uses are so new that scientists do not fully know and understand the risks of the rays of these devices.
The spread of cell towers in communities, often placed in preschool, church day care and school campuses means that young children can have 1,000 times higher RF exposures in home and school environments than existed even 20 to 25 years ago. Although a concerned parent may not have the ability to change schools or to choose where a cell tower is placed, they do have the opportunity to protect their child from these harmful rays. EMF shielding fabric is a type of fabric or material that is utilized to protect those from harmful EMF rays. EMF safety is provided by having a EMF blocker in some type of clothing or jewelry that is always worn.
Parents with children who utilize a lot of technology or are near these cell towers should really consider some type of an EMF shielding fabric for their children, for their protection. A 2010 study of children and adolescents ages 8 to 17 years showed short term EMF exposure caused headache, irritation and concentration difficulties in school. Oftentimes, these symptoms can be confused with the symptoms of ADD or ADHD, when something as simple as an EMF shield could provide the necessary EMF protection shield from the harmful technological rays.
Additionally, those parents who are carrying a child should also be concerned and take the necessary precautions to prevent harmful rays with a EMF shielding fabric. Children whose mothers used cell phones during pregnancy had 25% more emotional problems, 35% more hyperactivity, 49% more conduct problems, and 34% more peer problems. It is too early for many researchers to provide any defining data and proof that states this is directly related to that of technology and its harmful rays, but the statistics are showing that there is a correlation. A bioelectric shield is a great way to prevent these rays, ensuring that their child is not exposed to these potentially harmful rays.
Technology is everywhere you look today. It is a large part of our worlds, and we use it for many hours a day without understanding the potential risks of the harmful rays that it emits. An EMF shielding fabric is a great way to prevent any possible harmful risks. Studies show that many children experience symptoms when they are around these devices for too long. Even mothers carrying children have noticed more problems when they used these cellular devices while they were pregnant. There are many types of shields that are available, and they can come in the form of clothing or fabric and in jewelry, making them simple to wear.