Three new regional research centres that will study violence and ways to prevent it will receive almost $6 million over five years from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health, made the announcement at a national roundtable that brought together leading Canadian researchers on violence, gender and health research.
“Violence is a major public health and human rights problem in Canada and around the world,” said Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq. “By funding these innovative research centres, we hope to make strides in eliminating violence in our society and help Canadians overcome the devastating effects of violence on physical and mental health.”
The centres were selected through a funding competition run by CIHR’s Institute of Gender and Health (IGH). The successful projects were approved through a rigorous, independent peer review process.
“We are proud to invest in health research directed at developing solutions to violence, particularly gender-based violence,” said Dr. Joy Johnson, IGH Scientific Director. “It is imperative that we develop prevention strategies that can break ongoing cycles of violence and poor health among Canadians.”
The three centres announced today are:
• Centre for Intercultural Research on Prevention of Gender Violence: Dr. Neil Andersson of the University of Ottawa and his team of researchers will focus on migrating minorities through a novel approach that links Aboriginal and immigrant groups in cities with their home communities. They will look at the positive roles of parenting and cultural origins can play in preventing violence.
• Centre for Research Development in Gender, Mental Health and Violence Across the Lifespan: Dr. Harriet MacMillan of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, and her team will work closely with knowledge users and community members to develop strategies to prevent or reduce child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and subsequent mental health problems.
• Centre for the Study of Gender, Social Inequities and Mental Health: Dr. Marina Morrow at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, and her team will use innovative research, knowledge exchange, and training activities to improve our understanding of why social disparities exist, and how they contribute to problems such as violence and addiction.
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