Each cat has own “individuality” with its particular peculiarities and characteristics.
Even if there are some “rules” for cats, there are also odd cat that break the rules and have a different behavior pattern. But do not think of cats as “little humans”. They are not that. They are just cats, with their unique limitations and abilities.
Considering the unbelievable diversity of behavioural patterns among cats, to research and classify them into types is a huge task. Scientists observe feline behavior in behavioral laboratories and feral cat colonies for parameters like playfulness, activity levels, hostility towards people, levels of vocalization ,aggressive behavior in general, and sociability. Some researchers even use cat owners to collect data or use questionnaires and interviews.
Researchers have been always wondering about what extent personality types do cat genetically inherite. Nowadays to research separate genetic groups becomes relatively easy. For example purebred cats display certain behavioral traits more than others. Persian cats are more docile, Siamese are understandably more active. Of course individuality still brakes the rules so there are sleepy Siamese and active Persian cats, but generally genetics plays a strong roll in individual cat’s personality.
So we have to understand that cats are unique creatures and we should accept them as they are and not to fight against their innate behavioral tendencies.
We have in our minds some kind of cat image and we expect our cats to realize it which does not happen very often. You can dream of an playful, active feline rascal, but your cat can become a couch potato or, perhaps, you want for a very friendly kitty, rubbing against your legs, but your cat can be solitary and aloof by nature.
Accept your cat and do not try to change its nature in order to suit your expectations, it will totally stress your cat and could be a reason for behavioral problems.
source: http://www.petscomfortadvisor.com/cats_as_individuals.html