Sleep apnea is something that is prevalent in an estimated 18 million Americans. Yet at the same time, many of us remain unaware of what it is — or even whether or not we or someone we love has sleep apnea. Due to its very nature, sleep apnea can catch someone unaware. It can be difficult to know whether or not you have sleep apnea at all, simply because of the fact that its symptoms show themselves when someone is asleep. Just because sleep apnea is difficult to notice, however, doesn’t mean that it isn’t potentially deadly. Sleep apnea, if left untreated, can lead to other conditions that put a lot of stress on the human body — sometimes to the point where it becomes fatal. Another issue that often comes up with sleep apnea is that it itself can be a symptom of a more serious disease; this makes its subtlety even more troubling. With that being said, there are ways that sleep apnea can be treated. These methods can be incorporated into people’s lives, and certainly don’t have to compromise your way of living. Sleep apnea is not a diagnosis that has to hurt you permanently — as long as you catch it and treat it responsibly, you can live with it.
Sleep Apnea: The Basics
Sleep apnea, as the name suggests, occurs when a person is sleeping. It is essentially an interruption in breathing, which isn’t necessarily fatal at once, but can build up and become fatal over time. It certainly puts stress upon your body’s organs, and in particular the heart. It’s believed that two to 4% of people have undiagnosed sleep apnea. This means that one in 50 people potentially suffer from sleep apnea without knowing it. The seriousness of this fact should not be underestimated. Sleep apnea may seem simple, but it’s far from it. The risk of stroke in people suffering from sleep apnea is four times as likely as it is for those who aren’t afflicted by sleep apnea. Their risk of heart disease is three times higher than it is for people who don’t have the condition. And with the average sufferer of sleep apnea experiencing about 60 apneas an hour on an average night’s sleep, it’s important to note that while it’s unlikely that a single apnea could kill a person, it’s not impossible. Luckily, this condition can be diagnosed through home sleep tests and sleep tests in hospitals. They can also be treated with CPAP masks.
CPAP Masks: Treating Sleep Apnea
CPAP masks are among the main ways through which we treat sleep apnea. Yet many remain unaware of exactly what CPAP masks are, or how they work. A CPAP mask or CPAP machine is a device that fits over the sufferer’s mouth. Connected to a pump, it provides a positive airflow into the nasal passages to keep the airway open. It’s considered the leading therapy in treating sleep apnea, assuring that the apneas are stopped. Of course, this machine is quite bulky. Luckily, there are different types of CPAP machines on the market, both able to accommodate your specific needs and your price range.
Different Types Of CPAP Machines: Covering Everyone
Say you need to travel for work — or simply love to travel. While it may seem tempting to leave that bulky CPAP machine behind, you shouldn’t neglect your health. A better idea is to buy a travel CPAP machine. It’s convenient, and you don’t risk your health. Perhaps a more pressing concern for some is the idea of buying an expensive machine. Luckily, there are cheaper options that don’t have to mean a sacrifice in quality. You can easily get what you need through buying a used CPAP machine, or even a refurbished one. This way, you can be sure that you’re getting the right machine, while saving some money. It’s no wonder that the demand and market for used CPAP machines is growing.