In The United States, more and more individuals are beginning a health and fitness journey. The gyms become more crowded, runners scatter throughout the neighborhood, and one message is evident: becoming fit, slender, etc. is positive and necessary for the American people and their health. Exercise is in fact positive and necessary for various reasons. For example, about 84 million Americans suffer from cardiovascular disease in some form. Cardiovascular exercise, such as running, makes your heart stronger and decreases your risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and heart attacks. However, there are instances when people need to have their heart health checked by a medical professional. Additionally, exercise can also cause stress injuries. Medical professionals witness this. Essentially, medical professionals help those with heart injuries, heart diseases, and stress injuries (just to name a few).
Aside from heart injuries and diseases, and stress injuries, medical professionals also assist with women’s health. Mammograms are a common, necessary procedure women need to partake in. Mammograms screen for breast cancer in women (men too). In fact, 3.0 million of outpatient facilities ordered and/or provided mammograms to female patients. So, there are various products medical professionals need in order to treat patients. Here are some products (tables) and procedures for medical professionals:
For Those Helping With Cardiovascular Issues
Medical professionals helping with cardiovascular function, issues, injuries or diseases will sometimes perform myocardial perfusion imaging. Myocardial perfusion imaging (also known as mpi cardiology) is a type of scanning procedure. It shows the function of the heart muscle. It illustrates how strong or weak the heart muscle may be. Additionally, mpi cardiology evaluates heart conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart wall abnormalities, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It is a form of a stress test. For this type of procedure, the patient will lay on a myocardial perfusion imaging table. This is a product used by medical professionals. Medical professionals then use a gamma camera to take pictures of the heart. This is done after the medical professional gives the patient tracers. Tracers are essentially radioactive material that is injected into the bloodstream. It mixes into the patients blood and can show the blood flow to the heart and through the heart’s arteries. Mpi cardiology is common. It is important to note that not all patients have a mpi cardiology. Some heart patients will need a cardiac ultrasound. This is performed by sonographers on an echotable. Some patients will also need a echocardiography. This is a procedure that uses sound waves to take live images of the heart. Patients will have this procedure performed on a echocardiography table. The doctor will then examine the images to ensure the heart is functioning properly.
Stress Injuries
There are many common stress injuries that involve physical fitness and sports. Tendinosis, medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow), and lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) are a few. These injuries are caused by repetitive motions and overuse. They can also be caused by improper technique. They are strain injuries that affect muscles, nerves, tendons, and ligaments. Medical professionals will sometimes have to perform an ultrasound, although MRI’s have been known to be proficient. A table for ultrasounds are necessary for the comfort of the patient. The patient is able to lie on the ultrasound table in comfortable positions. Additionally, positioning is important for the safety of the patient and access for the sonographer. A fluoroscopy may need to be performed on stress injuries for patients. A fluoroscopy studies moving body parts and bones. It is a form of an X-ray. The procedure’s images are transmitted onto a television-like monitor. The medical professional or doctor can examine the body part in monitor to better diagnose the injury. This procedure is performed on a fluoroscopy table.
Feminine Health For Patients
Checkups for women are extremely important for their health. Pap smears and mammograms are necessary for all women. Mammography is a procedure that uses X-rays (low energy types) to examine the breast. This examination is to detect breast cancer. Medical professionals will have the patient sit in a mammography chair. The medical professional can adjust the chair for height and comfortability of the patient. Similar to ultrasounds, the positioning of the chair and patient is imperative.