We are surrounded by devices that produce electromagnetic fields (EMF), and the number of these devices has exploded since the 1970s. Televisions, computers, cell phones, and smartphones all produce these fields, and while many people go about their business undisturbed by this proliferation of technology, many more suffer from a condition called electromagnetic sensitivity. Common electromagnetic sensitivity symptoms include: stress, fatigue, trouble sleeping, concentration issues, prickling sensation in the face and extremities, and balance issues.
If you think you suffer from electromagnetic sensitivity, you can take the following steps to reduce your exposure.
Reduce screen time
If you’re seeking EMF protection, the first and obvious answer is to revamp your lifestyle to avoid EMF. People who spend more than six hours a day in front of a screen report an increased incidence of symptoms such as headache and fatigue. To reduce laptop radiation, keep your laptop on a desk or coffee table, or a tray suspended over your lap. If you have a desk job, take breaks every half hour or so to walk around the building or to grab a coffee in the break room.
Disconnect for a while
While smartphones seem like the most nefarious culprits, all cordless phones produce EMF. It’s a universal truth that millions of us are addicted to our phones–talking, texting, and even setting them next to us while we sleep to wake us up in the morning–we’re exposed to cordless phone radiation at every turn. It may seem difficult, but leave your phone off, or even leave it at home if you are experiencing symptoms.
Protect yourself
The above advice will go a long way in reducing you symptoms, but a change of habit is not enough to combat our changing world. EMFs are everywhere, from cell phone towers to screens that permeate bars, airports, offices and even gas stations. The threat is real: a study from 2012 showed that chronic EMF exposure produced physiological stress in cells in less than two years.
As a solution, many people who believe they have electromagnetic sensitivity purchase items that block EMFs, such as EMF protection jewelry and fabrics that block these fields from penetrating your skin.
What do you do to protect yourself from EMFs?