There is hardly a man who hasn’t experience impotence problems at some point of his life. This condition usually occurs in elderly men but many young men are plagued by it, too. What is impotence? This is the condition when a man can’t obtain an erection or can’t maintain it for a longer period of time.
In many cases impotence is caused by physical reasons, but we shouldn’t forget that emotions and psychological health also influence the male ability to “get hard”.
Impotence may be manifested by the following symptoms:
• longer time and more efforts to get an erection
• an erection that is not as firm and strong as it used to be
• easier control of ejaculation and delaying orgasm
• reduced ejaculation force
• decreased volume of ejaculation
• losing erection easily after orgasm
• an increased period of time between orgasm and getting another erection after that
The most important thing that men should understand is that impotence can be treated. They should try reducing the stress levels and anxiety, and eliminating any other medical conditions and problems that can cause impotence. If this doesn’t help, then they should consult a doctor who will determine the most appropriate treatment.