Homeopathy, from Greek homoeo (meaning similar) and pathos (meaning suffering) is a system of medicine based on treating like with like. The same principle is widespread in mainstream medicine, the most notable examples being antidotes and vaccines. However, Homeopathy takes this premise a step further: if my symptoms produce an effect on me similar to… Continue reading
Tag: alternative
Increasing usage of complementary treatment of chronic pain
In a University of Michigan Health System study, 1 out of 3 patients with chronic pain reported using complementary and alternative medicine therapies such as acupuncture and chiropractic visits for pain relief. Socioeconomic factors – primarily race and age – played a large role in the use of alternative therapy in chronic pain patients, the… Continue reading
What’s the safer alternative of laser eye surgery?
A new type of procedure for correcting short-sightedness could be safer than laser eye surgery, according to a new Cochrane Systematic Review. The study also shows that patients prefer the new procedure, despite there being little difference between the two in terms of improving vision. Myopia or short-sightedness is a condition where the eye focuses… Continue reading
Return to the nature and it treasuries – alternative of white sugar: Stevia
We all have a craving for a sweet taste and often satisfy this craving with sugar or fat-filled foods. Even “natural” sugar substitutes, such as honey, maple syrup or molasses, can be unhealthy if over-consumed since they can markedly elevate blood sugar levels. Hence, stevia can be advantageous to practically everyone whose diet contains sweeteners.… Continue reading