Since the start of widespread vaccinations in the United States, the number of cases of formerly common childhood illnesses like measles and diphtheria have declined dramatically. Immunizations have protected millions of kids from potentially deadly diseases and saved thousands of lives. In fact, certain diseases crop up so rarely now that parents sometimes ask if… Continue reading
Tag: baby
Are the birth control pills has side effects?
Hormone-based birth control often comes with side effects that can range from slightly annoying to bad enough to make you switch. You may not know what you can tolerate until you’ve given a couple of them a try. But here are some solutions for the most common problems. Headache, dizziness, breast tenderness Be patient. “These… Continue reading
First time dad – prepare yourself – 2
Is this the end of my independence? Fatherhood doesn’t have to spell the end of fun. True, you may not get much sleep or time for yourself during the first few months until your baby starts sleeping through the night. But when the baby sleeps more, you and your partner will have more time for things… Continue reading
First time dad – prepare yourself – 1
When You’re Expecting Pregnant women experience a variety of emotions and life changes. But most first-time dads have their own feelings and concerns to deal with, too. If you feel shocked, panicked, overwhelmed, scared, or like you’re just not ready, you’re not alone. Like any big change, this will require a major adjustment. And if the… Continue reading
All for genital herpes and pregnant women
Pregnant women with genital herpes should be careful about passing the virus on to the baby, but not overly worried about it. A mother can infect her baby during delivery, often fatally. But if a woman had genital herpes before getting pregnant, or if she is first infected early in pregnancy, the chance that her… Continue reading
Work out exercises for new moms
Are you a new mom who wants to get in shape after having a baby? Each month we put your questions about fitness to top exercise and motivational experts — and this month, Brooklyn finance professional and new mom Myra Bartalos, 38, sought tips on getting back into the swing of workouts from trainer Michele Thorington,… Continue reading
Samala’s birth story
Is This Labor? I was 37 weeks’ pregnant when my beautiful daughter arrived. There had been some minor complications the week before her birth (I was leaking small amounts of amniotic fluid), and my doctor thought we might have to induce labor. But after a nonstress test and an ultrasound, he decided it was best… Continue reading
Sarah’s birth story
Waiting For Baby I was a wreck as my due date came and went with no sign of labor. I was convinced that I’d never have this baby and would be the size of a Thanksgiving Day parade float forever. My biggest fear was confirmed by my obstetrician — the baby hadn’t even started to… Continue reading