“Reach out and touch someone” – good advertising slogan, or evolutionary imperative? How about both? What Madison Avenue knew decades ago has been observed in brain chemistry. A simple phone call from mom can calm frayed nerves by sparking the release of a powerful stress-quelling hormone, according to researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Biological… Continue reading
Tag: baby
How to caring abour your baby’s teeth
Baby teeth are important because they allow an infant to eat a good diet, allow for proper jaw growth, give the face its form and appearance, assist in the formation of proper speech, and most important, act as “space savers” for adult teeth. Tooth decay in babies can lead to pain, infection, malnutrition, poor weight… Continue reading
The growth of the 1- to 2-year-old
You’re in for many changes! Midway through this year, most babies are walking and many are starting to have conversations. They’re turning into toddlers. By their second birthdays, most are losing that “baby” look and growing taller instead of rounder. As toddlers get stronger and more capable, their rate of physical growth slows during this year.… Continue reading
Sex and pregnancy
If you’re pregnant or even planning a pregnancy, you’ve probably found an abundance of information about sex before pregnancy (that is, having sex in order to conceive) and sex after childbirth (general consensus: expect a less active sex life when there’s a newborn in the house). But there’s less talk about the topic of sex… Continue reading
The growth of the 8-to 12-month-old
Your baby is changing and growing in many ways, and is crawling, cruising along the furniture, or maybe even walking by 12 months! Along with all this activity comes the ability to self-feed and the start of food preferences. These new developments can affect your baby’s growth, especially his or her weight. How Babies This… Continue reading
Some facts about genetics
What do you know about your family tree? Have any of your relatives had health problems that tend to run in families? Which of these problems affected your parents or grandparents? Which ones affect you or your brothers or sisters now? Which problems might you pass on to your children? Thanks to advances in medical… Continue reading
The growth of 4-to 7-month-old
Babies this age continue to bloom — in size, physical skills, and ability to interact with the world. In most cases, this is the age when babies begin to respond to their name, reach for objects, sit alone, and make happy sounds — or show frustration when a new skill proves too hard to master… Continue reading
The growth of 1- to 3-month-Old
Like they did as newborns, most babies grow quickly in weight and length during the first few months of life. How Much Do Babies This Age Grow? After losing some of the birth weight (up to 10%) during the first few days of life, your baby should have regained that weight and then some, gaining… Continue reading