The twisting, ladder-like form of the DNA molecule – the architectural floor plan of life – contains a universe of information critical to human health. Enormous effort has been invested in deciphering the genetic code, including, most famously, the Human Genome Project. Nevertheless, the process of reading some three-billion nucleotide “letters” to reveal an individual’s… Continue reading
Tag: basic
Commonly vaccines for teens
More teens are getting their recommended vaccinations, but rates are still below target levels, the CDC reports. There are two recommended vaccines for all teens: One dose of menigococcal meningitis vaccine (MenACWY) One dose of the tetanus/diphtheria/whooping cough vaccine (Tdap) One more vaccine is recommended for girls: three doses of a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine,… Continue reading
Basic tips for black skin care
Black skin (people from Africa, Native Australians, African-Americans, Caribaeans, Other Islands) is darker than northern European skin because of the increased amount of melanin in the skin. Melanin is the pigment in the skin and protects the skin from sunlight. This keeps black people looking younger than white skinned people. The melanin pigment in the… Continue reading
How see, hear and feel your newborn?
During the first weeks of life your newborn may seem to do little more than eat, sleep, cry, and generate dirty diapers. But in reality, all senses are functioning as your infant takes in the sights, sounds, and smells of this new world. It’s hard for us to know exactly what a newborn is feeling… Continue reading