Finding the right contraceptive Fallen out of love with your birth control? Maybe you’re put off by side effects. Or remembering to pop a pill isn’t your strong suit. Problem is, going without isn’t a good choice, even as you get older: Nearly 40% of pregnancies among women in their 40s, for instance, are unplanned.… Continue reading
Tag: birth control
Are the birth control pills has side effects?
Hormone-based birth control often comes with side effects that can range from slightly annoying to bad enough to make you switch. You may not know what you can tolerate until you’ve given a couple of them a try. But here are some solutions for the most common problems. Headache, dizziness, breast tenderness Be patient. “These… Continue reading
Oral contraception and young woman’s health
As a teenage girl or young woman, you may be starting to think about what it means to be involved in a sexual relationship. There are many things that you need to think about before you decide to have sex, including whether this is the right person, the right time in your life, and how… Continue reading
According scientists TV drama can be strongier than news program
A fictional television drama may be more effective in persuading young women to use birth control than a news-format program on the same issue, according to a new study. Researchers found that college-age women who viewed a televised drama about a teen pregnancy felt more vulnerable two weeks after watching the show, and this led… Continue reading