You’ve probably heard urban legends about the elderly lady who has dozens of cats, the guy who collects snakes and never leaves his house, or someone who spends thousands on clothes for their pet. When Kim Swank, 35, of Layton, Utah, spent $10,000 on treatment for a cherished family member, it wasn’t for her spouse,… Continue reading
Tag: cat
Cat’s breed: Chartreux
The Chartreux is an internationally recognized breed of domestic cat from France. The Chartreux is large and muscular, with relatively short, fine-boned limbs, and very fast reflexes. They are known for their blue (grey) water-resistant short hair double-coats which are often slightly nappy in texture (often showing “breaks” like a sheepskin) and orange- or copper-colored… Continue reading
Cat’s breed: Burmilla
The Burmilla is a breed of domestic cat which originated in the United Kingdom in 1981. It is a cross between the Chinchilla Persian and Burmese breeds. Standards were produced in 1984, and the breed gained championship status in the United Kingdom in the 1990s. Burmillas are medium-sized with muscular bodies, round faces, short muzzles… Continue reading
Cat’s breed: Birman
The Birman is a domestic cat breed. Also called the “Sacred Cat of Burma,” it is not to be confused with the Burmese, which is a separate and dissimilar breed. The Birman has medium-long hair, a pale colored body and darker points with deep blue eyes. Even though the cat is pointed, the paws have… Continue reading
Cat’s breed: American shorthair
The American Shorthair (ASH) is a breed of cat believed to be descended from English domestic cats (the forebears of today’s British Shorthairs) brought to North America by early British settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats. According to the Cat Fancier’s Association for 2006–2007, it is the 8th most popular breed of… Continue reading
When your cat sneezing
As a cat owner, it is natural to be slightly concerned when you hear your cat sneeze. Sneezing in humans is usually indicative of a respiratory condition, which is also true for cats. However, there are actually several different reasons why your cat may be sneezing. It’s important to understand why a cat sneezes, and… Continue reading
Your kitty loves to scratch you? You can leach do not do that
Cat bites are a normal part of having a kitty, because cats mouth and paw objects to explore their world. You can’t stop it. But kitties can learn to inhibit the force of the bite and to use soft paws without claws. She won’t know that teeth and claws hurt, unless you explain to her… Continue reading
What mistakes we done when feeding kitten?
We make plenty of mistakes feeding ourselves. We eat too much sugar and salt, we eat too little, then too much. With all the problems we have with our own diets, is it any wonder we make mistakes when feeding our cats? So what errors are we making and why? Our cats can’t tell us,… Continue reading