So you have chalked out healthy eating guidelines for your children and it has already started showing results. But have you ever wondered that along with healthy eating diet, how much important is it for your children to have a structured exercise regime? In today’s world where children have to survive in a highly competitive… Continue reading
Tag: children
The stem cells transplants in children
About Stem Cell Transplants Hematopoietic stem cells are immature cells that are capable of developing into the three types of blood cells: red blood cells that carry oxygen white blood cells that fight infection platelets that help blood to clot Hematopoietic stem cells can be found in bone marrow (the spongy tissue inside bones), the… Continue reading
Young australian children with Diabetes type 1 need an assistent to transition to adult diabetes care
Young rural Australians with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) have limited access to adult diabetes health services and contact with specialist staff, and aren’t effectively transitioning from child to adult health services, according to an article published in the Medical Journal of Australia. The article finds that diabetes the management of young Australians, and uptake… Continue reading
What is the difference between nightmare and night terror and how you can avoid it
“Moooooommmmmmmeeeeeee!!!!” The ear-splitting scream catapults you out of bed at 2 a.m. Your 4-year-old is crying inconsolably. Is it a nightmare or a night terror? What’s the difference? And what can you do about them? Handling nightmares is a bit easier than night terrors, Altmann says. She prescribes a healthy sleep routine: Before bed, avoid… Continue reading
Dirt is good immune stimulation for children?
It’s the basic nature of young children to touch the very things in their environment that their parents find most disgusting. Just try to keep your 1-year old from sticking the dog’s bone in her mouth! After a year of swine flu scares, health authorities imploring regular hand washing, and talk of sanitizer gel like it… Continue reading
If you have an eczema take a dog, but not a cat
Children with eczema may benefit from having a dog, while having a cat may have negative effects, say researchers from the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine. Eczema, which most commonly occurs during childhood, but can sometimes persist into adulthood, is a chronic (long-term) condition that causes the skin to dry and become irritated.… Continue reading
Risks for persistent Neurodermatitis
A child who can’t stop scratching himself may well be suffering from atopic dermatitis, also known as neurodermatitis. Extreme irritability of the skin with a concomitant urge to scratch is typical of the disorder. The condition often appears during the first year of life and is on the increase in industrialized countries. The patient’s skin… Continue reading
The charming of the storytelling to your kid
It may already have happened: When books, toys, songs, snacks, video games, and DVDs have lost their charm, your child pipes up with “I’m bored! Tell me a story, please.” Your mind blanks and your child looks at you with anticipation. What should you do? You may not realize it, but you have a wealth… Continue reading